Do you now find yourself searching for the benefits that yoga and meditation have on addiction and mental health recovery?

If you answered yes to the above questions, you have come to the right place.


Addictions and Mental Health Conditions Often Come Hand in Hand

When an addiction is present, it is not uncommon for the individual suffering to also be subject to a mental health disorder. In fact, research highlights that 37% of individuals suffering from an alcohol addiction will experience depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder or insomnia.

Likewise, 53% of individuals that have become addicted to drugs will encounter at least one mental health disorder.

As individuals turn to drugs and alcohol to mitigate the repercussions of their mental health disorders, an increase in the number of people requiring dual diagnosis treatment as they enter a rehabilitation centre has been noted.

However, the benefits yoga and meditation has on addiction and mental health recovery could gradually reduce the need for dual diagnosis treatment.


The Benefits Yoga and Meditation Has On Addiction and Mental Health Recovery

Irrespective of whether you are personally hoping to take advantage of the benefits yoga and meditation has on addiction and mental health recovery, or are looking to recommend yoga and meditation to someone else, we have delved into the several benefits that yoga and meditation can have on addiction and mental health recovery here.


Yoga and Meditation Offers an Additional Form of Therapy

Across the world, a plethora of rehabs have turned their focus to the restoration of brain health to help those battling addictions and mental health disorders overcome their struggles.

As a result, non-traditional well-being therapies, such as yoga and meditation, are becoming widely employed and highly favoured.

Unlike traditional forms of therapies, which primarily consist of discussing how an addiction makes an individual feel in one-to-one and group therapy settings, yoga and meditation encourages those in recovery to delve into their feelings, address any concerns and cope with their emotions through the employment of calming movements and breathing techniques.


Yoga and Meditation Is Known to Prevent Relapse

Recent studies conducted in America have determined that yoga and meditation see individuals less likely to relapse than 12-step recovery programmes and relapse prevention programmes.

As and when an individual experiences the signs and symptoms that a relapse is imminent, they will likely search for someone to talk to.

However, in the unfortunate circumstance that they are unable to discuss their feelings, those that have predominantly experienced talking therapies will be at a greater risk of relapsing.

However, individuals that have been introduced to yoga and meditation will have the tools needed to reflect on their emotions and overcome them through the employment of breathing techniques and focusing on relaxation. In turn, the risk of a relapse occurring will be minimised.


Yoga and Meditation Reduce the Symptoms That Come Hand in Hand with Mental Health Disorders

From shortness of breath to a rapid heartbeat and panic attacks to insomnia, several symptoms come hand in hand with mental health disorders.

Sadly, these symptoms can cause an individual to experience a great deal of pain, stress and ultimately cause their mental health disorder to once again spiral beyond their control.

However, yoga and meditation provides a somewhat simple yet highly effective solution.

A study conducted in America outlined that yoga and meditation not only reduces the symptoms that are associated with anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder but has the capability of improving the general well-being of the individual that is in recovery.

From enhancing moods to providing a safe space to delve into the factors that have caused symptoms and uninvited sensations and feelings to arise, yoga and meditation encourages individuals to take a moment to hone in on their emotions in a bid to manage and overcome them.


Yoga and Meditation Increases Self Control

As an addiction or mental health disorder consumes the lives of individuals across the world, many find themselves with no control over their actions, behaviours, thoughts or condition.

Although an individual will want to stop consuming substances and will want to seek support for their mental health disorder, their condition will rule every aspect of their life, ultimately preventing them from reaching out for help.

When an individual is finally able to obtain treatment and professional support, they will begin to regain control of their life. This will see them repair relationships, overcome addictions and make a long-term recovery.

Although traditional forms of treatment such as therapy will provide an individual with the tools they need to take back control of their life, it could be argued that yoga and meditation are much more effective when it comes to the development of self-control.

Studies highlight that when an individual participates in yoga and meditation, concentration levels increase, as does willpower.

Armed with willpower, an individual will be less likely to turn to substances and succumb to cravings. They will also be better prepared for overcoming any symptoms associated with mental health disorders.


Take Advantage of the Benefits Yoga and Meditation Provides Today

Although talking therapies can see many individuals make a long term recovery, yoga and meditation are proving to be highly effective.

Regardless of whether you obtained well-being therapy as and when you received treatment for your addiction or mental health disorder or not, yoga and meditation comes highly recommended.


Do Not Hesitate to Reach Out for Professional Support

If you are currently recovering from an addiction or mental health disorder and you believe that you need additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to a rehab, support group or health professional.

Although yoga and meditation comes in hand in hand with a wealth of benefits, in some instances it may be in your best interest to seek additional support, especially if you are struggling with pessimistic thoughts and feelings that you have sadly been unable to combat on your own.


Raffa Bari - Author - Last Updated: 11 January 2021

Raffa Bari (Bsc, CertEd, CELTA, NLP Prac, BAAT) has an extensive background in addiction recovery, specialising in areas such as Integrative Art Psychotherapy (BAAT Registered) for addiction treatment.

Using her incredible dedication and passion towards personal transformation and recovery, Raffa has helped truly transform the lives of so many individuals.

It is this extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in everything to do with addiction recovery that makes her the perfect author for our site.

Raffa will be posting regularly with new updates and information on the latest industry topics to do with addiction and mental health.

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