Disability and Addiction: Understanding the Link
In order to understand the links between disability and addiction, it’s important to first think about what disability means. According to Disability Rights UK, there is no single definition of use in the UK. A broad definition, however, includes physical, sensory or mental impairments that have substantial and long-term adverse effects on the ability to…
Read MoreModerate Alcohol Consumption: 5 Common Myths
There are plenty of beliefs surrounding alcohol consumption, especially concerning drinking in moderation. In this blog, we will look at some common alcohol consumption myths and facts… There is no firm definition of what constitutes ‘moderate alcohol consumption’, but one common approach is to use the UK Chief Medical Officers’ Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines. These say…
Read MoreWhat Is Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome? Key Causes & Signs
In this article, we’ll be explaining exactly what NAS is, what can cause it, and the signs that parents and caregivers should watch for. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome is a condition that directly affects newborn babies who have been exposed to certain substances during their development in the womb. These substances are usually drugs or medications…
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