Find Support For Alcohol and Depression
Feeling extremely low, feeling lost, feeling blue and feeling withdrawn are all realistic descriptions and symptoms of depression.
Diagnosed as a mental health condition, depression causes deep and dark thoughts and feelings, which can feel extremely difficult to unlatch from.
However, through those moments, something which promotes distraction, which enhances relaxation, and which provides opportunities of illusion exists, standing as alcohol. Alcohol is frequently used to self-medicate through depression, down to the effects that it has on the body, but mainly the brain.
Although alcohol is a legal substance, it is chronically addictive, which if used as a coping strategy, can easily become a necessary substance to purchase and consume. Through such reliance, problems with alcohol and depression can amount to alcoholism, which is unfortunately known to intensify feelings of depression.
While positive attributes may be found in alcohol, it’s therefore clear that long-term exposure is in fact a hindrance. Through such dual diagnosis, alcohol can also stand as causation for depression. While some will argue that pre-existing vulnerabilities must be present, the turbulence that alcoholism can cause, from symptoms to consequences are found to trigger and reflect depression.
Yet again, indicating how aggravating alcohol consumption and depressive predispositions are while paired. Experiencing a pit of depression, alone, can be life-limiting. Alcoholism as a primary behavioural habit can be detrimental to the quality of life. Combined, it’s clear to see how important both addiction and depression management are, available here at Asana Lodge.
If you’re encountering any degree of negativity, from alcohol exposure or from your own thoughts and outlooks, dual diagnosis treatment should be sourced and completed.
Causes of Depression
There are many different reasons why depression can materialise. Genetics, environments, social impacts, stressors, and emotional responses are the most common. Unpredictable situations, despair, death, accident, significant change, and stress are all also triggers of symptoms.
Further causation of depression falls on heavy alcohol consumption, down to cognitive weaknesses that such toxicity can cause. From the highs and lows caused by consumption itself, to the life that alcoholism incurs, depression is a clear consequence of such habit, making it difficult to leave negative thoughts alone.
In truth, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to many damages and risks. Yet one of the greatest focuses on mental health issues. The instability of alcohol consumption, the unpredictable situations that follow, and the uncontrollable side effects, especially on the brain, make it difficult to process emotions, thoughts, outlooks, and rational views.
This is highly concerning, as brain health is very important, yet reasonably is unlikely through both problems with alcohol and depression. If alcohol exposure is damaging your mental health, resulting in the symptoms of depression, we urge you to consider treatment.
Untreated depression can result in an engulfing spiral of severe abuse, self-neglect, and suicide. Instead, look to understand and heal your mind while withdrawing from alcohol.
Alcohol and Depression and The Risks of Aggravation
In the midst of depression, aiming for an escape is very common. It’s reasonable why this is the case, as depression can be immensely difficult to live through, especially while attempting to juggle normal life.
This is the reality for many individuals, where the lows will need to be masked by responsibilities, fake emotions, and a brave face.
To work through balancing such efforts, alcohol is a motivator, a source of energy and a distraction to work through the symptoms of depression.
In short, many individuals suffering from depression will latch onto alcohol as a way to manage through symptoms and crises.
Through initial consumption, alcohol will deliver such support. Yet, withdrawal can occur very quickly while consuming alcohol, which will aggravate depressive feelings, which will motivate even further consumption. There is therefore a significant risk of aggravating depression by consuming any degree of alcohol.
Yet to a significant degree, there’s also a risk of alcoholism, which clearly identified above can be a cause for depression in itself.
Down to the cycle that alcohol and its effect can start, alcohol and depression measures as a dual diagnosis, requiring more than a standard intervention.
Overcoming Alcohol and Depression Issues
Issues with alcohol and depression can feel so engulfing, that you may believe that recovery will be unlikely. However, recovery can be likely, by targeting your problems with professional help.
Dual diagnosis treatment will be required to work through such problems, where combined offerings of treatment will be offered.
Working alongside one another, such efforts will disconnect how alcohol and depression work with each other while deterring future connections.
This is very important to reduce relapse, as overpowering connections with alcohol, or engulfing depressive feelings can remain and can resurface.
By accepting support, completing appropriate treatment services, and by also rehabilitating through recovery programmes, overcoming dual symptoms and foundations can be possible.
The Necessity of Addiction and Depression Management
At Asana Lodge, we fully advocate dual diagnosis treatment. This is a necessity to ensure that physical and psychological recovery can be fulfilled, which will help to promote withdrawal and balance.
Addiction treatment will be recommended to work through alcohol problems, by understanding causations, minimising the strength of triggers, and by promoting relapse prevention measures.
Detoxification, cognitive behavioural therapy and stress management are commonly endorsed through addiction recovery.
Depression management will be key when battling through the symptoms of depression, along with promoting further talking therapies and lifestyle management.
A positive lifestyle, with healthy coping strategies, can help to minimise relapse and manage optimal mental health.
Through both recommendations, alcohol and depression problems can be worked through, to reduce the weight that they have over one another, while also strengthening sobriety and stabilisation.
It’s understandable to feel that the cycle of a dual diagnosis will deter your recovery capabilities. Yet, with the right support, dual diagnosis recovery can be aimed for with reliability in mind.
Avoid aggravating your mental health with alcohol consumption. Avoid the risk of addiction by working on your mental health.
Reach out to work through both alcohol and depression symptoms, causations, and consequences here at Asana Lodge.
Get In Touch
Are you suffering from alcohol addiction and depression and need help? If so, Asana Lodge is a leading UK based expert in Dual Diagnosis Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. You can either call our confidential helpline or request a callback by clicking on the below form.
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