Tips to improve your self-esteem

Published 28 May 2021, in

Self-esteem refers to an individual’s own sense of their overall worth or value. It is an important part of how we see ourselves and can impact many different areas of our lives, including our psychological and physical well-being. Self-esteem is subjective and can be very difficult to change, even if external factors change or your…

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The Addiction Cycle

Published 21 May 2021, in

To onlookers, to be addicted to a stimulus represents a consistent, ongoing desire and/or action, which links to a choice. While we cannot disregard the initial choice of consumption that users have when considering drug, alcohol or further stimuli, we cannot back such ongoing voluntary. In fact, addiction is aggravated and sustained through a cycle.…

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UK Areas With The Most Green Space And Their Affect On Your Mental Health

Published 20 May 2021, in

This year there has been a large focus on how nature impacts our mental health, and this has been triggered largely due to the national UK lockdown. Many turned to nature during the lockdown as a safe way to entertain themselves. Here at Asana Lodge, many of our clients suffer with mental health issues and…

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