What is Dual Diagnosis in Mental Health?

Dual diagnosis is actually much more common that people initially anticipate. When we consider individuals, who are struggling with mental health problems, about 50% of them are prone to abusing drugs or alcohol.

This is a huge amount of people who are suffering with dual diagnosis but might not even realise it. Dual diagnosis can affect different people in very different ways so it’s not always that straight-forward to identify, however when left untreated, these co-occurring disorders will likely worsen over time.

It’s essential that a dual diagnosis is identified. For example, you could begin a treatment programme for substance misuse only to find that this isn’t the real root of the problem. Continuing along a treatment programme which isn’t suitable to your needs will only cause more issues, leading you to feeling deflated and unhappy with the treatment process.

We need to ensure you get started on the correct treatment programme from the get-go; here at Asana Lodge, we’re prepared and motivated to give this to you. We create personalised treatment programmes which focus on personalised treatment with your best interests of recovery at the forefront.


What is a Dual Diagnosis Rehab?

Many people wonder, what is a dual diagnosis treatment centre? Or what is treatment like? The key part of our treatment programmes is to find a method or methods to treat both conditions simultaneously, without contradicting one another.

Our focus on brain health and activity, helps us to provide an accurate diagnosis of your substance addiction and mental health condition. In order to support your physical and psychological recovery, we may deliver a detox programme which is highly effective in removing any harmful toxins from your body.

Detoxing can present additional challenges when you’re faced with withdrawal symptoms which is why it’s vital to undergo a detox under the supervision of our expert team; we also offer support groups, counselling, or cognitive behavioural therapy.

All of these methods focus more so on your addiction diagnosis, whereas to treat your mental health condition, we may suggest less traditional therapies.

Understanding the complexity of a dual diagnosis is paramount. Firstly, we must determine whether one condition produced the other. Sometimes, if we treat the condition which we believe to be the cause of the other, it can alleviate the secondary condition however this isn’t always the case.

This is where our personalised treatment programmes are so effective as we can’t expect one treatment to suit all. By following our tailored programme for dual diagnosis, it’s highly probable that you’ll see successful results.

If you were to follow a treatment programme focused solely on one of the conditions, such as alcohol dependency, it’s very likely that the mental health condition will continue to be a problem and even a prompt for future relapses.


What is Dual Diagnosis Mental Illness?

Dual diagnosis can develop two conditions in a person at the same time, however for others, one condition may have an influence on initiating the other.

Mental health problems and substance abuse are known to go hand in hand, which can be extremely difficult to live with. They both present chemical imbalances in the brain which if not treated correctly can lead to long-lasting issues.

If you’re concerned that yourself or a loved one is living with an addiction or you’re worried that a drug or alcohol dependency or mental illness could develop into a dual diagnosis, please get in touch with us at Asana Lodge today on 01908 489 421.

Dual diagnosis, or in fact any mental health illness or substance dependency, can cause severe interference to your quality of life.

There is a way to living your life free from these challenging conditions. We’re here to help you along this journey to recovery and to give you the tools you need to cope in daily life.


What can cause a Dual Diagnosis?

Each individual will have had a unique experience with their dual diagnosis, with different underlying issues which may have caused these conditions. We can, however, identify the most frequent influential factors which may have contributed to a dual diagnosis.

For example, if you’ve been exposed to stress or trauma, your sensitivity to increased anxiety or paranoia are common factors which can lead to mental health issues and substance misuse. In some cases of dual diagnosis, genetics may have increased your susceptibility to a mental health condition or substance dependency.

Many people who are suffering with an existing mental health condition may resort to alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism. In time, this could escalate into a disorder resulting in a dual diagnosis. On the other side of it, individuals who already live with a drug or alcohol dependency will likely experience negative effects on their mental health, therefore developing into a dual diagnosis.

There is also the case of people who live with brain abnormalities. They are at much higher risk of developing a drug or alcohol addiction and becoming unwell mentally.

As you can see, there is a wide range of influences and reasons as to why someone may develop a dual diagnosis. There is nothing for you to feel embarrassed about when it comes to seeking help.

Here at Asana Lodge, we have been supporting people who suffer with these conditions for years. We’re motivated to help you achieve success in your recovery and life a happier, healthier life.

Turn your life around today for the better and contact our team of dual diagnosis experts by calling 01908 489 421 or emailing enquiries@asanalodge.com.

Even if you don’t feel like you’re ready to commit to a treatment programme, we’re more than happy to offer advice over the phone and make further recommendations about additional support.


Raffa Bari - Author - Last Updated: 4 August 2020

Raffa Bari (Bsc, CertEd, CELTA, NLP Prac, BAAT) has an extensive background in addiction recovery, specialising in areas such as Integrative Art Psychotherapy (BAAT Registered) for addiction treatment.

Using her incredible dedication and passion towards personal transformation and recovery, Raffa has helped truly transform the lives of so many individuals.

It is this extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in everything to do with addiction recovery that makes her the perfect author for our site.

Raffa will be posting regularly with new updates and information on the latest industry topics to do with addiction and mental health.

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