Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that comes from coca leaves. In recent years, its widespread use by people of all ages has meant that the drug has become a subject of concern. However, for those using it, as well as their loved ones, understanding the physical impact of cocaine on the body is essential.

In this blog, we’ll be exploring this topic in more detail, looking at the long-term and immediate effects of cocaine on various bodily systems and providing expert advice and insights for those who are looking for help and support with cocaine addiction.

Immediate Cocaine Health Risks

When an individual consumes cocaine, it quickly affects the brain and nervous system. This is why users experience a rapid feeling of euphoria, increased alertness and a burst of energy.

At the same time as this desired high, cocaine results in an increase in blood pressure and heart rate and can cause the body to become hyper-stimulated. For this reason, users can experience several physical symptoms, including increased body temperature, sweating and dilated pupils.

As well as these immediate effects of cocaine, there are immediate risks to be aware of. Overdose is a huge concern and can cause chest pain, headaches, seizures and even cardiac arrest. The speed at which these symptoms can come on highlights the danger of cocaine as well as the importance of knowing exactly what cocaine is doing to the body.

The Long-Term Impact On The Cardiovascular System

Research shows that long-term and excessive use of cocaine can have a direct impact on the cardiovascular system. The drug can even result in heart attack, arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy, a condition which causes the heart to weaken. Those who use cocaine regularly are at a greater risk of developing these conditions compared to those individuals who don’t take cocaine.

Research into the long-term effects of cocaine use has found that it could potentially increase the risk of developing coronary artery disease, and regular cocaine use is also associated with an increased risk of mortality. Therefore, cardiologists and addiction specialists highlight the importance of addressing any cocaine use to prevent and reduce long-term heart-related health problems.

Effects On The Respiratory System

For those who smoke or snort cocaine, there are additional risks associated with the respiratory system. This is because smoking cocaine can cause damage to the lungs, resulting in a chronic cough, breathing issues and conditions like bronchitis. Similarly, snorting cocaine can cause damage to the nasal canal, perforating the skin and damaging the septum. This can lead to ongoing sinus concerns, pain and infection.

As well as this, overall lung function can be compromised putting individuals at an increased risk of respiratory infection. If you’re concerned about your own health or a loved one because of their cocaine use, addressing these issues early on can prevent further respiratory damage and improve quality of life.

Impact On The Brain And Mental Health

Cocaine use has also been found to have huge effects on the brain, as the drug alters its structure and function. Long-term cocaine use can even lead to changes in the brain, especially in areas responsible for decision-making, emotional regulation and impulse control.

This is why many users experience mental health concerns like depression, anxiety and paranoia. In severe cases, individuals can even suffer from psychosis, hallucinations and delusional thinking. Medical professionals also warn about the risk of cognitive impairment and decline. Prolonged cocaine use has been shown to have an impact on attention and memory.

Related article: Can Cocaine Kill You?

Effects On The Digestive System

Another area of the body impacted by cocaine use is the digestive system. This is because cocaine constricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow to the intestines resulting in conditions like bowel gangrene, ulcers and severe pain. Without the right treatment and fast, these health conditions can even become life-threatening.

Writing in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Mr Luke Meleagros, a consultant surgeon at North Middlesex University Hospital, said: “Abdominal complications from cocaine abuse are life-threatening and require emergency surgery. In extreme cases, a patient may end up with a colostomy.”

Reproductive Health And Cocaine Use

Studies also show that cocaine use has a direct impact on reproductive health for both men and women. When it comes to women, cocaine use can reduce fertility, increase the risk of pregnancy complications and impact foetal development. For men, sperm production can be impaired, as well as the quality of the sperm, which reduces fertility.

Skin And Musculoskeletal Effects

Cocaine is also commonly taken via intravenous means. This can lead to various skin and musculoskeletal issues, including infection, muscle damage and abscesses. One of the most serious conditions associated with this type of cocaine use is rhabdomyolysis. This is when the muscle tissues begin to break down and release toxins into the blood and can result in kidney damage

GP and medical advisor Dr Clare Morrison explains that “cocaine is a ‘vasoconstrictor’, meaning it reduces the blood supply to cells, reducing their nutrients and oxygen.” The same article also featured skin doctor Nina Bal, who said, “‘using cocaine will slow down your skin’s ability to heal. This can result in premature ageing and worsening of acne. Cocaine can also kill skin cells because it reduces the oxygen and blood supply, and as a result, damages the white cells of the blood – leading to skin necrosis.”

Seeking Help And Recovery With Asana Lodge

The first step towards recovery is understanding and recognising the effects of cocaine on the body. Then, seeking professional help is key. That’s exactly where Asana Lodge comes in.

We offer comprehensive treatment options designed to help individuals suffering from long-term cocaine use. This includes detoxification, counselling and aftercare.

So, if you or someone you know is struggling with cocaine addiction, reach out today. Our friendly team is here to provide you with all the support and resources you need. Call us on 01908 489 421 for more information about how we can help.

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