Drug and Alcohol Rehab Burton-Upon-Trent

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Are you currently suffering from mental health issues, such as consistently feeling low or signs and symptoms of anxiety? If so, and you’re abusing excessive levels of drugs and alcohol, while this should be taken seriously, it’s important to know that there is a strong correlation between both brain illnesses.
Unfortunately, for those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, mental health side effects are common, caused by cognitive weaknesses, all down to substance abuse. Through long-term use, the hazardous characteristics of drugs and alcohol cause adaptations in the brain, making users susceptible to the likes of anxiety, paranoia and depression.
On the other end of the scale, those who suffer from mental health issues are known to self-medicate through drug and alcohol abuse. Seen as a positive, supportive technique, drugs and alcohol will be consumed with the hope to manage mental health side effects. Yet, by combining both together, here’s where the seriousness and dangers of a dual diagnosis can materialise.
Attempting to overcome a singular brain illness can be very challenging, never mind a dual diagnosis. With this in mind, it is imperative that psychological recovery is aimed for, whether you’re addicted to drugs and alcohol, or use them as a routine coping strategy.
By visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Burton-Upon-Trent, both addiction and mental health issues can be worked through, especially at our local clinic here at Asana Lodge. Benefit from dual diagnosis treatment, with a significant focus on restoring brain functionality at a sober state.
Mental health and substance abuse
One danger of long-term drug and alcohol abuse is the risk of influencing mental health side effects. An addiction is a brain illness, which causes physical and psychological symptoms. Yet, psychological symptoms are usually intensified as time goes by, down to the weaknesses that the presence of drugs and alcohol cause.
Throughout drug and alcohol rehab, emphasis will already be placed on psychological recovery. With this in mind, it is very common that a degree of impairment will be experienced by the average person through substance abuse. Yet, for some, mental health issues can materialise to a significant degree, causing a dual diagnosis.
This is one of the greatest concerns for those who do enable drug and alcohol consumption, as an extra layer of suffering, of side effects, and of the need for intervention are present. If you’re suffering from negative feelings, consistent anxiety or any degree of mood disorder, there’s a likelihood that you will be experiencing the common correlation between mental health issues and substance abuse.
Visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Burton-Upon-Trent
Whether you’re experiencing a standalone addiction or a dual diagnosis, sourcing professional support will be encouraged. A brain illness will not go away by itself. Physical side effects and struggles may subsidies. Yet psychological attachments and symptoms will remain, causing concern of drug and alcohol relapse and/or mental health relapse.
To work through physical and psychological recovery, visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Burton-Upon-Trent or within the local area will be recommended. Here you’ll have the chance to benefit from localised recovery, offering an easier transition experience. Pair this option, with residential rehab and a highly effective rehabilitation programme will be waiting for you.
At Asana Lodge, we are based outside of Burton-Upon-Trent, yet we are a local option which can provide both benefits of local and residential rehab. Not only will you experience a comprehensive rehab programme, you’ll also encounter our unique outlook on drug and alcohol rehabilitation, offering greater reliability and sustainability.
Reasonably, selecting a rehab clinic on your doorstep may feel easier in this given moment. Yet, distance will benefit you, especially if you are suffering with your mental health, providing you with peace and space to concentrate on dual diagnosis treatment.
Dual diagnosis treatment
At Asana Lodge, we offer standalone addiction treatment services, and the opportunity to complete dual diagnosis treatment. Via our rehab clinic, set away from Burton-Upon-Trent, you will be located in the most optimal setting to advance through a structured rehab programme, all based around your needs.
Yet, before treatment services can begin, we must understand your needs, and the severity of your habit. This is very important as different severities and types of addiction can be experienced, which is also the case when considering mental health issues. We must understand your exact experiences in order to recommend safe and effective forms of treatment for a dual diagnosis.
Through our admission process we will complete thorough assessments on the brain, by considering pre-existing weaknesses, known to boost organic susceptibility of addiction. Further factors which may have influenced drug and alcohol abuse will also be looked into.
By completing an assessment, we can then recommend a range of treatment services, some of which are traditional, and others which are newly yet reputably recommended, focusing on dual diagnosis recovery.
Selecting a general drug and alcohol rehab in Burton-Upon-Trent will likely provide you with access to standard treatment services. Yet, through our unique offering, you’ll experience treatment services which provide realism through addiction and mental health recovery.
Focusing on psychological addiction recovery
In order to overcome an addiction, physical and psychological recovery must be worked towards. Yet, great focus should be placed on psychological addiction recovery, as achieving this will naturally change physical actions and behaviours.
Our brains control our outlooks, our attitudes, our moods and our behaviours, which ultimately control our physical decisions and moves. With this in mind, by focussing on alleviating the brain from addiction and potential mental health issues, the body will react positively. This approach, combined with leading addiction treatment services will promote physical withdrawal, with the aim to safeguard sober living even further.
Currently you may be really worried about the fact that your outlook or mood may have changed, all linked to substance abuse. Please be reassured that this change is common, and that professional support and treatment can ease your experience.
Via our rehab clinic, this is doable, located closely to Burton-Upon-Trent, here offering residential rehab programmes.