Coming to terms with a drug or alcohol addiction is a hard thing. Many people can’t do it.

If you are here, then you have decided that something is wrong, or the loved one of someone who is destroying themselves through drugs and alcohol. Whatever the circumstances, acknowledgement is a good thing and it is the first step on the recovery journey.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Fenton

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Asana Lodge is a private drug and alcohol rehab that aims to provide top-tier care to those that need it. If you are seeking help and are ready to take the next step, our admissions process is simple and quick. With the help of our admissions team, we can have you in our facility within a couple of days of your initial enquiry.

If you are coming to us on behalf of someone else then we offer several services to help you, including family referrals and other admission support services.


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Are you suffering from a Drug or Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Asana Lodge is a leading UK-based expert in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. You can either call our confidential helpline or request a call-back by clicking on the below form.

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Choosing Asana Lodge for Private Addiction Treatment

Located in the rolling hills of rural Northamptonshire, Asana Lodge provides a stunning place to undergo treatment. Our facility is made up of 22 bedrooms, all en-suite, lounge areas, gym facilities and extensive grounds where you can go to unwind and relax.

You have the chance to take a step back from the hectic world and focus on your recovery, drawing a line under your addiction experiences and beginning anew. Removing yourself from your old environment is a great way to remove the temptation and lessen the chance of relapsing.

In this homely setting, you will take part in industry-leading treatment that is tailored toward you as an individual. Dealing with both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, your rehabilitation will be to a standard that can rarely be matched in the UK.


The Detoxification Process

The first step in any rehab programme is drug or alcohol detoxification.

Many people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction attempt this at home, hoping that by starving themselves of harmful substances they can quickly recover. This is not the case. Through this method, you will experience severe withdrawal symptoms that could prove fatal.

For a safe and comfortable method of detoxing, it is best to do so at a professional facility. At Asana Lodge, we offer a medically assisted detox programme that ensures you will be clean and sober when you move onto the next stage of rehab.

With the use of medication, administered by our health professionals, the worst of your withdrawal symptoms will be eased to a manageable level. During this time, you will be monitored and care is on hand 24/7 if you are struggling at any point. You will also be fed nutritious meals to encourage the healing processes in your body and help restore vital vitamins.

Detox done this way is the safest and healthiest way to go through what can be a stressful period of the recovery journey. Without a thorough detoxing, it is impossible to achieve long-term recovery and turn your life around.


Therapy Options at Asana Lodge

We at Asana Lodge believe in a holistic approach to addiction treatment, ensuring no part of a person is neglected as they work through their issues with drugs and alcohol. At our rehab facility, you will work through a programme that is tailored towards you specifically, ensuring you are getting the most effective form of treatment.

Individual Therapy

In individual therapy sessions, you will work with a therapist to uncover the root causes of your addictions and examine your behaviour. By utilising psychological therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) you will come to a better understanding of how you process emotions, learn better coping skills and gain more self-esteem.

Group Therapy & Activities

Group therapy is a vital cog in the recovery machine. During these sessions you will interact with your peers, sharing experiences and helping each other in your respective battles against addiction. Group activities are also key components of the private drug and alcohol rehab experience, allowing you to enjoy downtime constructively whilst encouraging socialisation.

Wellbeing Therapies

Complimenting these therapies is our range of well-being therapies. Focused more on your wellbeing and mental health, therapies such as art therapy will help relax you and put you in a better frame of mind.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

If you are suffering from concurrent mental health issues then we offer dual diagnosis treatment to help you. Combining addiction and mental health treatments, we endeavour to create a cohesive programme that deals with the separate issues without damaging your progress in any way.

Aftercare & Relapse Prevention

The initial months after rehab can be the most critical. It is a time when you are most vulnerable – sobriety is new to you and you are trying to readjust to the outside world again. Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed and unsure of how you can cope in the long-term without drugs and alcohol.

Many people share this feeling after leaving a rehab facility. It is the reason why most relapses occur within the first year of finishing treatment.

With Asana Lodge, you should be assured that you won’t be alone during this time. Just because you’ve completed your treatment programme it doesn’t mean our relationship is over. To help you through this time we offer a FREE 12-month aftercare package to help guide you in these initial sober months.

With an emphasis on relapse prevention, the core of our aftercare package surrounds attending weekly support meetings. Regularly interacting with fellow recovering addicts will help you realise you are not alone in your struggle and give you people to lean on in tough moments. Hopefully, through these meetings, you will build a strong support network that can last for many years.


Contact Us Today

If you are ready to get yourself or someone you know professional help, then don’t hesitate to contact Asana Lodge today for a free consultation. You can reach us by telephone at 01908 489 421 or email at If you head over to our contact page on the website, you can fill out a form and we will get back to you.

Start your journey to recovery today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How beneficial is residential rehab?

Residential rehab can benefit you in a multitude of ways. Obviously, our drug and alcohol rehabilitation plans are perfect for getting you clean and sober, but we also want to make sure that you are ready to get the most out of life once you are sober. We encourage our patients to engage with many different types of activities while they are staying at our drug and alcohol treatment centre as finding alternative outlets for your internalised emotions will contribute to a relapse prevention plan in the long term.

Does rehab work?

Residential rehab is one of the most effective ways to overcome your addictive disorder long-term. However, as mentioned earlier, you need to be committed to the process of recovery for it to have the necessary impact. Without being prepared to change how you live now, you cannot hope to benefit from any form of addiction treatment. Addiction treatment is based around making positive changes to your physiology and psychology, so without being ready to change you have little hope of achieving the necessary end result.

Is it safe to detox at home?

In short, no it is not safe to detox at home. Detoxification can present a whole host of negative side effects for a person, so to do so without professional medical aid can result in very negative outcomes and even potentially lead to death. It should also be noted that most people who try to detox on their own end up relapsing due to the severity of the withdrawal side effects. However, each time that you relapse, the withdrawal side effects can be even worse the next time. Therefore, it is not only safer to experience withdrawal at our detox clinic, but it will also put you in better stead going forward.