If you’re based in West Bromwich or the West Midlands region, excessively abusing drugs and alcohol, here at Asana Lodge, we can help.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab West Bromwich

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Although you may have heard this thousands of times, disbelieving your capabilities to recover and devaluing rehab facilities, our approach to addiction recovery is different.

Personalised, evidence-based treatment options are available, helping clients overcome substance abuse, drug and alcohol addictions, and associated mental health issues.

If you’re looking to visit a drug and alcohol rehab in West Bromwich, consider our rehab facility at Asana Lodge.  

Whichever strain of alcoholism or drug addiction you may be experiencing, evaluations can be made to ensure fitting treatments options, via a rehab programme are recommended, offered and completed.  

With years of experience in the recovery field, we can assess, recommend, guide and support you through your addiction recovery.

Through residential rehab opportunities, our offering will provide high success rates, personalised recovery programmes and a true chance to rehabilitate from addiction.  

If you’re looking to visit a drug and alcohol rehab in West Bromwich, consider our rehab facility at Asana Lodge.  


Are you suffering from a Drug and Alcohol Addiction? 

Before starting your own rehabilitation programme, self-awareness and acceptance is required. Many clients will initially live through denial, toning down their side effects or experiences with drugs and alcohol.

Although common, this will hinder initial recovery stages, reducing the success of detoxification and psychological realignment.   

To overcome denial and become aware of your drug and alcohol addiction, you must open up to family members, reach out to helplines and consider localised support groups, while increasing your awareness of addictive behaviours.

This can be challenging after years of substance abuse. We fully appreciate that this can take some time, blurring the lines between the norm and a drug and alcohol addiction.

However, to experience the full benefits of rehab, you must acknowledge your problems with drugs and alcohol. 

Do you struggle to stop consuming drugs and alcohol? Do you make excuses to justify your consumption or addictive behaviours? Are drugs and alcohol used as coping strategies? Are you unsure how to reduce your consumption? If so, acknowledgement, soon followed by professional support will help you prepare for rehab.  

Once you’re aware of your reality, and the reality you could experience without substance abuse, it’s time to visit a drug and alcohol rehab in West Bromwich.  


Finding help through a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in West Bromwich  

If you’re looking for a drug and alcohol rehab in West Bromwich, our specialist treatment centre here at Asana Lodge will offer a positive and results-driven experience. Although situated in Towcester, our approach to addiction recovery will out value localised treatment centres.  

Convenience is a highly favoured benefit when looking to overcome alcoholism or drug addiction. We are fully aware of what motivates, supports and comforts clients through rehabilitation centres.

With this in mind, although set away from West Bromwich, our rehab facility offers a different meaning of convenience, known to substantially advance addiction recovery probabilities. Our convenience is recognised as residential rehab, offering everything you need, under one roof to recover.  

Favoured by a large proportion of clients, our directed, supportive and recovery designed rehab programmes embody all requirements to inspire rehabilitation. With this in mind, if you are suffering from a drug and alcohol addiction, we ask you to consider residential rehab.

There is a great chance that greater value and results will be achieved by initially moving away from West Bromwich based rehabilitation centres.  


Why Residential Rehab may motivate better results? 

A move away for initial addiction treatment will offer many benefits. Increased concentration and desire to recover is the key benefit, providing you with respite from common triggers or influences.

Attempting to recover while surrounded by your current influences will potentially motivate rapid drug and alcohol consumption. As this will disrupt your addiction recovery journey, selecting rehab facilities further afield will minimise all influential factors.  

Another factor which can motivate greater recovery results is by considering your investment. Residential rehab set away will require greater investment.

By committing to this process, you’re more likely to see it through; helping you return to West Bromwich with a new outlook on substance abuse.  

Considering residential rehab will open up your recovery opportunities, offering admission to our specialist clinic. You will experience our personalised and scientific approach to addiction treatment, acknowledged as a key driving force to overcome a drug and alcohol addiction.


Addiction Treatment here at Asana Lodge  

There are many different causations, influencing drug and alcohol abuse. There are many different experiences, side effects, withdrawal symptoms and mental health problems linked to addiction. By combining both factors, every client who enters our rehab facility will have a unique form of addiction. With this in mind, addiction treatment must be catered around the needs of each client.  

To achieve a personalised rehab programme, we follow the scientific evidence, linked to brain functionality and response. We will carry out an assessment which will identify whether further factors are influencing your initial substance abuse. In the assessment factors such as Biological, social, spiritual and psychological will be evaluated, helping to form a holistic treatment programme.  

Addiction treatments options utilised throughout rehab will vary for each client. Yet commonly, a drug and alcohol detox, therapy with our leading addiction counsellors, cognitive behavioural therapy, and brain and body restoration will be promoted.  

Although this route to a rehab programme may be new to you, it factors in mental health pressures and stresses, identifying a drug and alcohol addiction as a brain illness.

The only way to treat and reduce the side effects of this illness is through concentrated brain evaluations, followed by suitable addiction treatment options.

To benefit from our approach, known to offer a greater chance at long-term addiction recovery, reach out to our team.

Once a residential rehab programme has been completed, aftercare services are available via a drug and alcohol rehab in West Bromwich.

Yet, to ensure that initial detoxification and restoration can be experienced, visiting a specialist recovery centre will benefit your recovery efforts greater.