Some individuals believe that it will take a significant exposure to drugs and alcohol to influence the development of an addiction. For some, this will be the case, where tolerances are higher, where a lower reliance is present, and where causations carry weaker associations.
Yet, for some, with low tolerances, abusing an addictive drug to combat the side effects of depression, an addiction can develop much quicker.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Enderby
This is exactly why, along with health concerns, those consumption guidelines for both alcohol and prescription drugs are provided. In tandem, this stands as one reason why illicit, illegal drugs are discouraged, as their effects can work at a rapid rate.
Down to differing speeds when considering the formation and development of an addiction, we at Asana Lodge urge you to think about your current consumption.
We understand that you may feel like drugs and alcohol are currently helping you, are uplifting your mood, are acting as an emotional crutch, or are motivating you. Yet, a time will come where physical and psychological side effects of long-term use will showcase themselves, along with an addiction diagnosis.
Getting your consumption under control sooner rather than later will be the best route, possible by working with specialists via a drug and alcohol rehab in Enderby.
Reasonably you may feel like this step will escalate your problems with drugs and alcohol beyond your current reality. Yet, sooner than later, enablement will cause consequences of either addiction, mental health issues, or overdose.
Seek intervention with the aim to slow down and curb the development of a drug and alcohol addiction.
The ease of Developing an Addiction
As we’ve shared above, substance abuse can quickly intensify into the symptoms of addiction. Of course, rates and experiences will differ for every user.
Factors such as tolerances, metabolisms, general health, the drug at hand, the length and consistency of consumption, motives behind initial use, and the effect of drugs at the moment can all either speed up or average out the development phase.
It is however also important to note that some individuals have a greater susceptibility to developing an addiction, down to genetics.
This is unfortunately uncontrollable, which is also the case when considering mental health issues. With this in mind, some individuals can in fact develop addictive traits, prior to experiencing drug and alcohol consumption.
As timelines cannot be gauged accurately, it is important to keep an eye on your consumption, side effects, and if any, withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms which you cannot shake, physical and psychological cravings, and the necessity to consume greater levels of drugs and alcohol are early signs of addiction.
While in every case, this will not prove the development of an addiction, at this point, a strong likelihood will be present, marking key adaptations to the body and brain.
If you’re at this point, visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Enderby for a degree of rehabilitation will be advantageous. If you’re yet to spot the signs of addiction, support systems are still available to you, to help you suppress your drug and alcohol problems.
Working with Specialists via a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Enderby
Once an addiction does develop, many individuals enable the ongoing advancement of this behavioural habit. For some, they will lack control, for others, stigmatisation will be reducing their inclination to reach out, and for a proportion, their reality will be distorted by the side effects of drug and alcohol abuse.
Yet, by visiting our website, we will assume that you’re potentially experiencing symptoms of addiction. By noticing and acting on those symptoms, this is a positive sign, showcasing a degree of control. Yet, by enabling your addictive characteristics, from here on out, control may soon be lacking.
With this in mind, by considering specialist support, you can reduce the severity of your addiction, you can reduce suffering, and you can reduce irreversible harm from the toxicity of drugs and alcohol. Working with a specialist team via a drug and alcohol rehab in Enderby will therefore be a proactive step to take, which we can facilitate here at Asana Lodge.
Although we’re located outside of Enderby, we are conveniently based here to offer residential rehab programmes, specialising in drug and alcohol addiction recovery. Through our range of treatment services, relapse prevention plans and aftercare services, we can create a personal rehab programme, based around your needs and the severity of your addiction.
This is the ideal form of support, which can work for someone with a moderate addiction, all the way to someone with a life-limiting dependence. Standing as the only sustainable recovery opportunity, you will benefit enormously by taking action and utilising specialist assistance, readily available to you.
A mix of Addiction Treatment Services
The completion of addiction treatment services is necessary when looking to combat addiction, no matter its degree. At Asana Lodge, we provide access to a wide mix of addiction treatment services. Yet we ensure that they are suitable for your needs, your health and your type of addiction.
We focus greatly on cognitive responses to the presence of drugs and alcohol, as addiction resides and intensifies in the brain. From here, looking at the dynamic of your addiction will help to drive our safe, ethical and progressive recommendations of addiction treatment services.
You can look forward to experiencing physical and psychological forms, anything from detoxification, cognitive behavioural therapy, art therapy and virtual reality therapy. The general consensus will be that you will have a structure in place, no matter its contents, helping you advance through treatment.
Relapse Prevention
Before returning home to Enderby, we will also activate relapse prevention planning. This is an important step to firstly reduce your relapse risks post-rehab, and secondly, to help you through any potential risks.
With our team, we will consider your future lifestyle, we will look at potential risks, and we will also build positive coping strategies to help you through any potential exposure.
While recovery can be achieved through residential rehab, securing greater recovery opportunities is wise, which will be possible through relapse prevention planning.
Aftercare services based around your needs
Again, your needs matter, which will drive all recommendations on an aftercare basis. You will have access to a structure of support systems, accountability sessions and additional treatment services through weekly Zoom meetings which guide you through post-rehab vulnerabilities.
As life after rehab can affect every client differently, we aim to boost your personal confidence in lone recovery, along with providing you with the tools and contacts in the event of an obstacle.
When looking for a drug and alcohol rehab in Enderby, to work through your addiction, consider our comprehensive rehabilitation service here at Asana Lodge.
A wealth of value is ready and waiting for you, here to guide you through each milestone of drug and alcohol rehabilitation.