Drug and alcohol abuse is a problem that is on the rise in much of the country. Derbyshire is certainly not immune to the issue but there is help available if you need it.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Ripley

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If you are looking for the best and most effective drug and alcohol treatment available in the area, rehab in Ripley could be your best bet.
Why attend Addiction Rehab in Ripley?
Addiction can take a terrible toll on your health, relationships and other aspects of your life. Substance abuse can tear families apart and could cost you your job. In the worst case scenario it could make you seriously ill, lead to disability or even kill you. Thousands of people die every year from overdose, alcohol poisoning, associated illnesses and drug-related accidents.
It can be very difficult to beat an addiction without professional help. The withdrawal symptoms alone can be very difficult to get over and many people who are desperate to quit drink or drugs for good find themselves caught in a vicious cycle of trying and failing to do so. This can lead to self-recriminations and even more negativity, which can make the problem worse.
Our professional drug and alcohol rehab facilities provide the best possible chance of helping you to beat your addiction and make a long-term recovery. This is because they use evidence-based treatment programmes with a proven track record of helping people to beat their addictions.
They are staffed by qualified experts with a wealth of experience in dealing with these specific issues. Many of the people who work in the field of addiction recovery are recovering addicts themselves, which can give them a unique insight into the problems their clients are facing.
If you attend a rehab in Ripley, you will still have plenty of work to do yourself, but the supervision and support you receive will be second to none and will give you the best possible chance of conquering your addiction.
Going through Drug or Alcohol Detox
One of the most important steps in any course of addiction treatment is detoxification. More commonly known as detox, this is the process during which the body metabolises the drugs and alcohol already in the system. In other words, this is the point at which you actually get sober.
This can be a very difficult thing to go through for any addict. When you use drugs or alcohol habitually, your system comes to depend on it. Cutting off the supply causes the body and brain to react, giving rise to a number of physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.
The exact nature and severity of withdrawal symptoms can vary widely, depending on the type of drug taken and other factors such as how long and heavy the usage has been. It can take days or even weeks for all these symptoms to resolve themselves, although they will usually peak before then.
For short-acting opioids such as heroin, for example, the withdrawal symptoms will typically start within 8-24 hours after they are last used and could last for 4-10 days
The symptoms could include:
- Muscle cramps and tremors
- Excessive sweating
- Flu-like symptoms
- Nausea and diarrhoea
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can appear within several hours of the last drink and will tend to hit a peak over the course of 24-48 hours.
Some symptoms could include:
- Seizures
- Delirium Tremens (the DTs)
- Anxiety and agitation
- Hallucinations
- Nausea and vomiting
Because it depresses the central nervous system, acute alcohol withdrawal can be particularly dangerous, especially with the risk of seizures.
This is one of the reasons why detoxing alone – going ‘cold turkey’ as it is often known – can be risky. It is also less likely to succeed as the temptation is always there to go back to the drug and make the withdrawal symptoms go away.
In the secure environment of a detox clinic you will not have easy access to the drugs or alcohol you crave but, more importantly, you will be assessed, supervised and monitored as you go through this difficult process. You will also have access to 24/7 expert support, medical assistance and relevant prescription medication where it is appropriate.
Therapies and other Drug and Alcohol Services
Going through the detox clinic is a major part of the battle but it is only a part. You must also get a grip on the root causes of your addiction and the triggers and behaviours that lead to this spiral of destruction.
This is usually done through a range of talking therapies. Group therapy can be very valuable, as can individual one-to-one counselling. Family drug support programmes can sometimes involve family members in counselling or therapy sessions, although this is not appropriate in every case.
Cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT is another technique that is often used. The NHS describes CBT as a talking therapy that is based on “the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap you in a vicious cycle”.
It aims to help you address your problems by changing the way you think about them. This then allows you to modify your actual behaviour. CBT is commonly used for mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, but is increasingly used in the field of addiction treatment.
Mental health and addiction
On the subject of mental health, it is often the case that people with addiction issues also have one or more mental health issues to deal with at the same time. The relationship between mental ill-health and addiction is a complex one.
One can fuel or exacerbate the other to varying degrees and it can be difficult to untangle the threads. Treating one without addressing the other can be dangerous however, as an untreated addiction can reignite or trigger the mental health issue and vice versa.
Dual-diagnosis treatment aims to treat addiction and accompanying mental health issues at the same time.
Rehabilitation in Ripley can help you address these issues and move forward to a healthier, more positive lifestyle that’s free of alcohol and drugs.