Are you or someone you know struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol? If that is the case, the best possible thing that you can do in that situation is to reach out for professional help.
The best way to recover from drug or alcohol addictions is to attend a drug and alcohol rehab centre where you will receive personalised treatments to help you on your recovery journey.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Egham
Treatment in rehab is unique for everyone as it is focused on your particular needs and goals. With this in mind, every single addict will have a different rehab experience.
However, each and every addict that attends rehab has the best possible chance of recovering from their addiction on a long-term basis. If you’re looking to improve your life and remove substances from your life, get in touch with us today to find out more about how we can help you.
What is Detoxing and Why Is It Important to Complete?
If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction, it’s difficult to know when and where to find help. It’s important to do your research and understand exactly what recovery entails.
All recovery from drugs and alcohol addiction will start with a detoxing phase. It is so important that you complete the detoxing phase as this will be your starting point, with a fresh body and mind away from the substance you are addicted to.
Detoxing is one of the first stages in recovery where you will flush your body of all the drugs and alcohol. Detoxing rids your body of those toxins to begin repairing themselves while you get to work on the psychological recovery stage.
When going through the detoxing process it is extremely important to be monitored closely by a medical professional. Detoxing can be very dangerous, so do not do this alone at home.
Rehab is the best place to detox. In rehab, you will be closely monitored by professionals and may even be given medications to help keep you comfortable and to prevent any serious withdrawal symptoms.
There are a large number of withdrawal symptoms that a person may experience depending on the severity of their addiction. Some of those symptoms are listed below.
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Depression
- Headaches
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Tremors
- Sweating
- Fever
- Hallucinations
- Seizures
- Heart failure
Therapy You May Experience During a Stay in Rehab
When entering rehab, you may be wondering what to expect. Usually, you will start with detoxing, when the detoxing phase is complete you will then work towards fixing the psychological effects, the psychological side to addiction is one of the most important. It is important to address those psychological as this is vital to breaking your addiction cycle and preventing relapse.
One of the most important and most helpful therapies you will experience during a stay in rehab is 1-2-1 talk therapy with a professional. During this therapy, you will discuss everything with your therapist.
You will learn all about your addiction and how you came to be in the position you are in today, you will learn coping strategies and ways to avoid relapse in the future.
Sometimes the reason someone struggles with addiction is due to mental health issues or trauma, this will all be addressed here. In therapy, some people are given a dual diagnosis.
This is when someone is diagnosed with a mental health condition alongside their addiction, this is fairly common as a large percentage of people with a mental health condition will suffer from addiction at some point in their lifetime.
Another thing you may work on during therapy is your relationships. Often when someone is struggling with addiction it affects their relationships. Sometimes it’s breakdowns of romantic relationships, relationships with family or friends.
Whatever the relationship, it is common for them to be asked to join you on therapy sessions to work through your issues and rebuild what you lost with that person.
Another therapy you may experience when entering rehab is well-being therapy. In this therapy, you will learn all about how to lead a healthier lifestyle, this is proven to prevent relapsing in the future and rebuild confidence and positive feelings.
You may learn all about cooking and nutrition and how to take care of your body. You may do all kinds of activities from mindfulness and yoga to boxing or gym. Here you may rebuild strength you lost when you were going through addiction or get your body into the shape you wanted before addiction took hold.
Group therapy is another therapy you will experience. During group therapy, you will have some very insightful conversations and learn more about yourself than you thought possible.
Many say they feel a sense of empowerment and togetherness during group therapy that they feel helped them with their recovery. In group therapy you will have many discussions with others, others who understand what you are going through. Here you will make friends and feel more understood than you ever have before.
There are so many other therapies you may experience such as art therapy, music therapy and more. It is important to remember that even though you are attending rehab for a serious reason and you may have some very serious discussions, rehab is usually a positive and uplifting place.
After Care When You Leave the Rehab Setting
Upon completing and moving on from rehab, you will not be left to fend for yourself. You will receive full support moving forward. Whether that is support finding a job, accommodation or a local support group, your care doesn’t stop when you leave. It is important to remember you are never alone in your addiction, rehab will help you in every step of your recovery.
When you leave rehab and go back to your life at home, you will once again be surrounded by all the things that used to previously trigger you into wanting to use the substance in the first place. With this in mind, you need as much support, through aftercare, to ensure you don’t go back to using again and that you stick to your recovery goals.