Find More Support For Painkiller Addiction
Painkiller drugs are designed to suppress pain and manage the symptoms of such feelings. Through prescriptions, painkillers such as codeine are commonly recommended post-op or injury, to safely manage pain.
While associated with medical endorsements, painkillers can also be distributed, purchased, and consumed illegally, focusing on the likes of heroin, noted for its strong, pain-relieving tendencies on both physical and psychological scales.
Through either route, if abused, painkillers can however be extremely addictive, down to the interaction they have with the internal system. Encountering the relief of reduced or diminished pain can be attractive for someone who is struggling. Such feelings can become habitual, associating consumption and its necessary standpoint with pain relief, comfort, and quality of life.
Yet, a painkiller addiction, if fully developed will in fact increase pain, reduce comfort, and deter the quality of life, down to the ingrained adaptations that addiction causes.
Currently, you may be abusing your prescription, as your pain levels may be unbearable. Yet there are other ways to experience relief, beyond painkiller abuse. If you’re illegally and consciously choosing to abuse painkillers, it’s vital to understand the grave and long-lasting damages of such a habit.
No matter the motive behind your consumption, considering painkiller addiction treatment & rehab steps will be encouraged, to help promote withdrawal, balance, and safe pain management. Consider our support at Asana Lodge to see beyond your reliance on painkiller medications.
Can You Get Addicted to Painkillers?
While many will disbelieve the addictive branding attached to painkillers, down to their position in healthcare, yes, you can become addicted to painkillers. Painkiller drugs are recommended on prescription, for short-term pain relief, suitable for appropriate individuals.
However, if recommendations are bypassed, if long-term exposure to painkillers is encountered, or if painkillers are illegally consumed, they will stand as dangerous and addictive.
The addictive tendencies of painkillers reflect the feelings that they induce. For someone who is experiencing physical and/or psychological pain, relief will be welcomed and desired. Painkillers offer those feelings and attributes, down to how they disrupt the central nervous system and its transmission of pain.
Over consistent use, a personal tolerance will develop to painkiller drugs, meaning that greater quantities and exposure will be required to feel their full effect of pain relief and management. For someone who is suffering, increasing doses are justifiable, down to the positive association that consumption has with relief.
Through psychological connections, a painkiller addiction can therefore materialise, turning into physical and mental cravings. Just like any form of drug addiction, a cycle will develop, making it near impossible to deter painkiller addiction effects.
The only way to withdraw and recover, no matter whether your consumption is through a prescription or illegal abuse will be through painkiller addiction treatment & rehab steps.
Signs Someone is Using Painkillers Incorrectly
In the event of the below signs, indicating the incorrect consumption of prescription drugs, painkiller addiction help should be sourced. Without sourcing support, there are many aggressive consequences linked to prescription drug addiction, with a focus on organ failure, mental health weaknesses, and overdose.
Signs of painkiller addiction include:
- Misusing prescription drugs to bypass personal tolerances
- Asking for early prescriptions
- Hiding the use of painkiller drugs from others
- Encountering physical and psychological side effects, all dependant on the consumed drug
- Withdrawing from everyday life
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms
- Encountering chronic pain
- Illegally purchasing painkiller drugs
- Experiencing changes in behaviours, outlooks, and attitudes
- Encountering consequences such as a job loss or a relationship breakdown
- Looking at stronger drugs to mix with painkillers
There are a wealth of painkiller side effects that can be encountered through addiction. Yet the most noticeable will focus on the misuse of doses, along with grave changes in behaviours and lifestyle choices.
If you’re noticing such changes, considering painkiller addiction treatment & rehab steps will be recommended, via a private drug and alcohol rehab clinic, to encounter detoxification and rebuild steps.
Painkiller Addiction Detox
Detoxification from painkillers will be a must in order to remove all traces and their effects from the body. Without detoxing, side effects will continue, cravings will continue, and consumption will continue.
Through a private drug and alcohol rehab clinic, reflecting our offering here at Asana Lodge, a medically structured painkiller detox will be recommended, motivate withdrawal.
It’s understandable that withdrawal can be tough, down to the build-up of exposure over time. However, with professional support, reducing intake, along with managing withdrawal symptoms will be possible.
Securing Painkiller Addiction Treatment and Rehab
Our key focus here at Asana Lodge looks towards the psychological recovery of addiction. With this in mind, treatments, therapies & rehab steps will place emphasis on brain restoration, to revert the effects of painkillers. As a positive association will have been made, related to pain, this association will need to be debunked while forming healthy coping strategies.
Treatments and therapies, appropriate through painkiller addiction recovery will include cognitive behavioural therapy, support groups, dual diagnosis treatment (in the event of mental health symptoms), NAD+ therapy and relapse prevention.
By combining detoxification efforts, with psychological healing programmes, withdrawing and detaching from painkiller drugs is possible. Through contacting our team and considering painkiller addiction treatment & rehab steps, you can look to overcome your fixation, no matter your motive behind the abuse.