Find support for Hydromorphone Addiction Treatment
Hydromorphone is a prescription drug which has the potential to be very addictive. Also known as Dilaudid, Exalgo or Dihydromorphinone, Hydromorphone is an opioid pain medication that impacts the brain’s opioid receptors, producing morphine-like effects. However, this drug isn’t intended to be used long-term.
Frequently used to treat pain, Hydromorphone is one of the most addictive drugs and is regularly abused. Here in the UK, it’s a class-A controlled substance which is the most restricted category with serious penalties for anyone who is found to have unlawful possession or supply.
Usually formed as a tablet for oral consumption, Hydromorphone is also administered as an injection into muscle, under the skin, or into a vein. When sold illegally, Hydromorphone can also be known as dust, Dillies, D, footballs, juice, or other names synonymous with heroin, such as smack.
As hydromorphone is an opioid drug, it’s highly addictive; a dependence on Hydromorphone can be formed even when used as prescribed. Therefore, drug addiction commonly develops when this drug is abused illegally, for longer than prescribed or in high doses. Due to its intensity at eight times stronger than morphine, it’s extremely effective when treating pain, but of course, this also makes it much more addictive than other opioids.
How Hydromorphone Addiction Develops
Addiction is a disease which impacts thousands of people in Britain; the reward system in the brain encourages this behaviour despite it being able to recognise the devastating effects. The more you consume excessive amounts of Hydromorphone, the more these brain reward centres become adjusted by the chemicals they produce, which release a positive feeling; these chemicals are known as dopamine. Therefore, the more Hydromorphone abuse is repeated, the stronger these dopamine feelings will get.
In addition to this psychological impact and dependence you can develop on Hydromorphone, you can also develop a physical dependence, which can result from excessive and continuous abuse over a long period. When your system becomes familiar with Hydromorphone, it can quickly become reliant upon the substance to function at a normal level, resulting in physical dependence.
If you were to stop taking Hydromorphone after prolonged consumption suddenly, the absence of dopamine chemicals in your brain would result in negative psychological responses referred to as withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe but always require the support of medical professionals to help manage discomfort and avoid any long-term physical or psychological damage.
It’s important to note that it’s possible to be addicted psychologically to Hydromorphone, but you may not be physically dependent on it. Addiction and dependence are closely linked, but they’re not the same thing. Whether you’re addicted to Hydromorphone or dependent on the substance doesn’t change the urgent need for professional support.
There are many Hydromorphone rehab centres and various treatment options in the UK that you can look into for your Hydromorphone Addiction Treatment Rehab.
Get In Touch
Asana Lodge is a leading UK-based expert in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by contacting our friendly team today.
Signs and Symptoms of Hydromorphone Addiction
It’s not always clear when someone is suffering from drug addiction, especially with prescription drugs. Many people attempt to hide their symptoms as they feel embarrassed or ashamed to admit they’re struggling. This is often because there is still a stigma attached to addiction as many perceive it to be a weakness. Hydromorphone addiction isn’t a weakness; it can affect anyone from any walk of life and needs to be treated like a serious disease.
If you have concerns about a loved one or are struggling to come to terms with the fact that you may be suffering from an addiction, there are some common signs which may indicate an addiction. Some of these signs include:
- Financial troubles
- Altered sleeping pattern
- Eating pattern
- Mental and physical health issues
- Frequent intoxication
- Mood swings
- Changes in sex drive
- Poor appearance and hygiene
- Frequent tiredness
- Neglecting responsibilities
- Engagement in criminal activity
- Lack of interest in social activities
- Decrease in professional performance
- Preoccupation with obtaining drugs
You may notice signs of withdrawal as soon as 12 hours after you stop taking Hydromorphone. Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include vomiting or nausea, anxiety or depression, constipation, insomnia, headache, fainting, seizures, chest pain, extreme drowsiness, increased sweating, rash or hives, trouble breathing, difficulty swallowing, decreased appetite, feeling lightheaded or dizzy, and hyperalgesia.
Long-term Hydromorphone abuse can result in respiratory depression, which means there’s less oxygen available to the brain; this has the potential to cause permanent brain damage. Hydromorphone abuse over a long period of time has also been linked with impaired decision-making, poor behavioural regulation, and an inability to manage stress effectively.
Whilst these signs could indicate an addiction to Hydromorphone, it’s also possible that they could be happening for another reason, so it’s crucial to speak to the person involved or seek professional advice as soon as possible.
Treatment Options for Hydromorphone Addiction
Like many drug addictions, Hydromorphone addiction is not easily managed at home and requires the expert attention of professional addiction specialist teams. We highly recommend joining a private drug and alcohol rehab centre as an inpatient or outpatient to undergo a comprehensive treatment programme.
You will likely undergo a medical drug detox to gradually reduce your intake of Hydromorphone in a safe and controlled setting, followed by a carefully selected combination of psychological and well-being therapies to help you address your physical dependence and psychological addiction and to improve your general well-being throughout your rehabilitation.
Get Help Today
Contact us today to take the first step towards a happier and healthier life free from addiction. Alternatively, call us on 01908 489 421.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does rehab work?
Residential rehab is one of the most effective ways to overcome your addictive disorder for the long-term. However, as mentioned earlier, you need to be committed to the process of recovery for it to have the necessary impact. Without being prepared to change how you live at the moment, then you cannot hope to benefit from any form of addition treatment. Addiction treatment is based around making positive changes to your physiology and psychology, so without being ready to change you have little hope of achieving the necessary end result.
What is a medically assisted detox?
Drug or alcohol detox is the process of slowly and safely removing the harmful toxins from your body caused by substances. Medication is administered to help ease the worst of the withdrawal symptoms you will experience when detoxing. It is a safe process and gives you a much better chance at long-term recovery, rather than going cold turkey.
What is dual diagnosis?
Dual diagnosis is when an addiction issue and a mental health condition are present at the same time. This is quite common and there can be a complex relationship between mental health and addiction, with each influencing the other. They can often be treated together with dual diagnosis treatment.