Are you looking for addiction treatment in Lowestoft? Here at Asana Lodge, we provide drug and alcohol rehabilitation in Lowestoft.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Lowestoft

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Whether you live locally, or you’re seeking somewhere further afield to escape negative influences, we can provide scientific and evidence-based treatments designed to provide long-term recovery, in a beautiful coastal setting.
With a range of holistic detoxification and therapy treatment options, we can help you identify the causes and triggers of your addiction.
This will enable you to understand your addiction and manage your cravings in day-to-day life to achieve long-term sobriety.
If left untreated your addiction will only worsen, even if you feel in control now, without professional help you’ll struggle to overcome your addiction.
Start your journey to long-term recovery today by picking up the phone and contacting our friendly and supportive team for your free and confidential consultation.
How Does Detox Work?
Detox is an important first step for all of our treatment programmes. It involves reducing the consumption levels in your body until there’s no trace of the substance left.
All detox treatments are conducted under medical supervision and only start after we have conducted a full assessment of your physical and psychological health.
Our team of medical experts will discuss your detox options to ensure that you are committed to the process.
Withdrawal symptoms are very common during detox, as your body will crave the substance and, depending on the length and severity of your addiction, you may experience strong or mild symptoms.
We can help reduce your withdrawal symptoms by providing you with prescription drugs or treating you with Intravenous Brain Restoration, which aids your body with cellular restoration.
From when you first arrive, we’ll work with you to create a dietary plan for your stay, as it’s likely that your body will be deficient in many nutrients and minerals required for good health and recovery.
All of our staff are fully qualified professionals and are available to help and support you 24 hours a day.
Therapy Treatments
We believe in healing the mind and body to allow for long-term recovery. Through therapy you’ll identify key triggers and develop an understanding of your mental wellbeing.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is one of the main forms of therapy used at our rehabilitation centres. It focuses on identifying your negative thought patterns to allow you to develop more positive thought processes and through this, habits.
We also offer more unique therapy treatments, such as the Satori Chair treatment. This type of therapy take place on a chair that uses sound frequencies to develop a meditative state of mind.
This vibration therapy can help relax your body and with it, your mind, to allow for deeper reflection.
Before you start your therapy, we’ll work with you to design a treatment programme that’s personalised to you.
You’ll have the option to undertake individual therapy, which uses the treatment methods most suited to you, CBT which focus on new habit and thought forming, or groups sessions where you can interact with other residents.
We do also offer more creative outlets, such as art therapy, or treatments to help you prepare for life back home, such as stress management.
Our experienced counsellors will help advise you on the best course of treatment to suit you.
Peer Support
Recovering from addiction is an extremely personal journey, but years of experience has taught us that peer support can be vital in helping to maintain long-term sobriety.
When you arrive at rehab in Lowestoft you’ll be shown around the state-of-the-art facilities and introduced to staff members and current residents.
Your program will last for a total of 28 days, in which time you will most likely connect with other residents.
We encourage group activities, such as group therapy sessions, group workshops and group fitness sessions, to give you a chance to meet other people who share similar experiences to you. Often friends you make during times of hardship last for a lifetime.
Upon leaving the centre, we, again, encourage you to connect with other people who have been in similar circumstances. We can help you connect with local support groups, where you’ll get the chance to discuss your experiences in your day to day life.
Whether you discuss your relationships, cravings, work life or simply your daily challenges, having someone who truly understands, listen to you, can be hugely beneficial and a great support.
Leaving Asana Lodge after successfully completing your drug or alcohol rehabilitation can be a daunting prospect, but we’ll help and support you every step of the way.
The first 12 months after rehab are considered to be the most challenging and if you’re going to relapse its more likely this will occur within this time frame.
This is why we provide 12 months of completely free aftercare. Our expert team will be on hand to help advise and guide you with your tough choices and lifestyle changes.
Peer support groups are highly recommended and we can help you find your local support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous.
Having a network of people who’ve had similar experiences to you can really help you to navigate through tough times.
If you’re finding it hard to settle back into family life then we can help support you there too.
Whether your family are finding it hard, because they don’t know how to act around you, or whether you’re finding it hard to stick to your new lifestyle around them, we can offer therapy options, such as family or friend referral, or group family therapy sessions.
Remember, it’ll take time for everyone to adjust to the new normal.
Perhaps you’re finding it hard to get back to work, or you’re also facing financial strains? Our team can also support you by providing guidance for the best employment and financial support.
Start your journey to long-term recovery today by contacting our friendly and supportive team for your free and confidential consultation. It just takes one phone call to turn your life around.