Have you been abusing alcohol or drugs for some time? Are you however unsure where you stand with addictive substances?

Are you concerned that the signs of a drug and alcohol addiction may be appearing? Or maybe a loved one has shared their concerns on your change in behaviour?

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Birkenhead

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The initial stages of a drug and alcohol addiction can be extremely testing. Here is where a roller coaster of emotions is likely, with a big focus on denial, self-judgment and disappointment.

Down to these emotions, it can sometimes be challenging to acknowledge a problem with drugs and alcohol, along with considering rehabilitation efforts.

Down to these challenges, we understand that you may be struggling to see the value of professional drug and alcohol rehabilitation. We appreciate that you may be questioning its place, whether it is currently necessary. We also recognise that visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Birkenhead may be your only option, if anything.

However, once you’ve faced up to your addiction, it is important that you stop the enablement of those emotions, as a justification to delay recovery. The sooner you can act on the desire to recover, the sooner you can accept that addiction treatment will be required, no matter when, the easier your withdrawal will be.

Benefit from our support here at Asana Lodge by looking beyond drug and alcohol treatment centres in Birkenhead. By doing so, you’ll have greater accessibility to high-quality treatments and care, in place to motivate long-term recovery.


Am I suffering from a Drug and Alcohol Addiction?

Are you unsure where you stand with drugs and alcohol? Have you however been consuming them for the long-term, on an excessive basis? It’s important to note that however strong your addiction may be, a depth of addiction treatment via rehab will be available to you.

Yet, it is important that you understand the significance of your drug and alcohol addiction, ensuring that you take rehab seriously.

Do you struggle to reduce your consumption? Do you experience withdrawal symptoms? Do you rely on drugs and alcohol? Has your consumption increased? Are drugs and alcohol prioritised over other areas of your life?

If you can firmly answer yes, by honestly assessing your relationship with drugs and alcohol, there is a high probability that an addiction may be present.

If your connection is mild to moderate, substance abuse may be your diagnosis. Yet if this is enabled for the long-term, a physical and psychological addiction to drugs and alcohol can develop, requiring significant rehabilitation.

If you’re veering towards the drug and alcohol addiction diagnosis, you should take recovery very seriously. Without the rehab process, you’ll likely lead a future consumed by addiction and its negative associations.


Will I benefit from visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Birkenhead?

Localised recovery can benefit some individuals. Visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Birkenhead may offer results for you. However, it is important to note that those results may reflect a respite or short-term period.

If you are addicted to drugs and alcohol, where physical and psychological associations are experienced, localised recovery attempts can be challenging. In most cases, initial withdrawal will be achieved, yet the psychological associations can continue to fuel.

Short-term recovery results are commonly only available, down to disruptive and unproductive processes of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. From exposure to current triggers, to the aggravation of mental health issues, recovering around current influences, linked to drugs and alcohol can be testing. With this in mind, incomplete recovery may be found via visiting Birkenhead treatment centres.

For those who are experiencing an addiction and the struggles it carries, residential rehab will offer greater chances of long-term recovery, available here at Asana Lodge.


What makes your Rehab Centre different?

At Asana Lodge, we are very different to other drug and alcohol treatment centres. We are the only private rehab centre which follows evidence-based approaches to drug and alcohol rehabilitation. In short, this means that we appreciate the complexities of an addiction, and the necessary steps to treat it.

Through our mission, we offer personalised rehab programmes to all clients, following evidence-based and scientific research. We complete assessments, helping to pinpoint pre-existing weaknesses.

We delve into brain activity, helping to see how responses are made, along with responsiveness to addiction treatment. Down to these assessments, we can offer a wide range of addiction treatments, carrying low risk yet highly effective identities.

Via our differences, we have the capabilities to promote sustainable long-term recovery for all clients who desire recovery. We can future-proof sober living as the norm through our extensive restoration addiction treatment options, only available via our residential rehab.

Although visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Birkenhead can offer initial comfort, a generic programme is likely. Here you will see the true differences between a generalist and specialist rehab centre, ours being the latter.


Will I complete general Addiction Treatments?

General, traditional addiction treatments are utilised through our rehab centre. These will usually include a drug and alcohol detox programme, support groups and therapy. However, our approach also implements contemporary addiction treatments, catered around the individual needs of each client.

NAD+ therapy, brain restoration, art therapy and virtual reality therapy are a number of our unique, specialist addiction treatments, in place to improve exposure levels, restoration development, and physical and psychological wellbeing.

To discuss your needs, along with understanding addiction treatment greater, reach out to our team.


What part will my Mental Health play in long-term recovery?

Your mental health will play a big part while rehabilitating. Likewise, it can either help or hinder your long-term recovery rates. With this in mind, we also offer specialist treatment to strengthen your mental health.

As there are strong links between addiction and mental health issues, it is likely that you will experience symptoms from both illnesses.

We will work to alleviate both, helping you focus on your long-term drug and alcohol rehabilitation journey. Coping techniques will be implemented, along with aftercare services to ensure that you are maintaining a positive mental health state.

Through our rehab centre, you’ll have access to a wealth of support and addiction treatment. See the value of this, over visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Birkenhead, for its convenience and ease.

Understand where you stand with drugs and alcohol first, soon followed by a personalised rehab programme here at Asana Lodge, a specialist Towcester based treatment centre.