When it comes to conquering alcoholism or long-standing substance abuse you will be unlikely to find a more comprehensive and professionally-administered addiction treatment plan than that which Asana Lodges’ drug and alcohol rehab in South Lakeland.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab South Lakeland

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Our treatment plans implement a specialised blend of psychological and physical addiction treatments in order to provide each and every one of our clients with the highest possible chance of recovery.

At all of Asana Lodge’s world-class drug and alcohol treatment facilities across Great Britain, we exclusively employ the highest qualified, most experienced medical professionals and care workers.

You can be assured that when you trust your health and recovery to the capable hands of Asana Lodge, you’re entrusting your care to the best in the business.

One of the most vital steps on the pathway to a successful recovery is “acceptance,” and due to the simple fact of you being here on this webpage it’s natural to assume that you have already made this step.

However, all that you need to do now is reach out to accept the outstretched hand that Asana Lodge are offering to you.

Making the final, all-important step to setting your treatment plan in motion is a naturally nerve-wracking prospect, but the positive repercussions that you will experience as a result will be of incredible importance.

It is crucial that you do not delay any further in getting the professional addiction treatment that you require. Each and every day that you exist without challenging your addictive disorder is a day that is lost, and the longer that your drug or alcohol addiction perpetuates it will bring about progressively worse physical and psychological side-effects. So, reach out to us through our website today or call us through the number 01908 489 421.


Take Advantage Of Professional Drug And Alcohol Treatment Is Vital Before It Is Too Late

The United Kingdom is home to a variety of private and publicly funded clinics which can provide addiction treatment.

However, there are a plethora of people who do not take advantage of any of these addiction treatment options, instead allowing their addiction to remain in control of their body until their dying breath.

With this in mind, you should not allow a single day more to pass without properly challenging your addiction. If you do not challenge your addictive disorder with the help of a trained medical professional, then the long-term effects of drug addiction and/or alcohol addiction on your physical and mental state can be ruinous — leading to the likes of heart palpitations, blood pressure fluctuations, anxiousness, depression, tremors, and much more.

The social effects of your addiction will also become more severe over time, as you, however inadvertently, push those who you love away from you.

Furthermore, as you come to pursue your addiction over everything else, you will put your employment status, financial wellbeing, and living condition under ever more strain.

All other daily essentials such as food, work, and your loved ones will become less and less important to you over time, but professional medical assistance can realign your priorities in life and help you to start living a life of positive sobriety.


Our Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centres Are Amongst The Best In The United Kingdom

While there are, as alluded to previously, a whole host of addiction treatment options throughout the various boroughs of the UK, Asana Lodge’s drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres have one of the highest success rates when it come to ensuring people overcome their addiction for good.

Amongst the primary reasons why Asana Lodge’s residential rehabilitation centre works so effectively at treating addiction is because we implement a highly-specialised approach to addiction treatment.

By ascertaining information about your resolve and addictive triggers before you arrive at our facility, we can better implement specific psychological and physical addiction treatments to fight against your particular set of challenges.

Working alongside this, the fact that you have put a physical distance in between yourself and your home will actually work in your favour when establishing a new life post-addiction.

A person can fill their home with old memories and items which take the form of addictive triggers — therefore, looking back on your home life from a neutral place of sobriety can enable you to make better decisions and alterations to your life moving forward.

Asana Lodge’s drug and alcohol rehab will also provide you with the most comfortable setting for your recovery that you could possibly hope for.

Private en-suite rooms, nutritious home-prepared meals, and spacious entertainment suites are just some of the amenities that you will have at your disposal for the duration of your time with us — most treatment plans last for roughly twenty-eight days.


Asana Lodge Has Staff To Administer All Of The Treatments You Could Require

Whereas some addiction treatment centres will only specialise in either exclusively physical or psychological treatments, Asana Lodge employ a variety of addiction specialists who can implement all manner of amazing addiction treatments, meaning you get the very best quality of care.

Drug and alcohol detoxification at our detox clinic will inform a great deal of the first part of your physical treatment with us; and the procedure of medically-assisted withdrawal will ensure that the danger associated alongside alcohol withdrawal and/or narcotics withdrawal is reduced to its absolute minimum.

Psychological intervention will come to be a large part of the recovery journey that follows. Ensuring that your mind is able to confront addictive triggers that may naturally occur in your post-rehab life without resorting substance use is one of the main positive outcomes of a professional addiction treatment plan, and our staff will help you achieve this goal through the formation of a relapse prevention plan.

In addition to this, treatments such as DBT (dialectical behavioural therapy), individual support counselling, group counselling, CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), and dual-diagnosis treatment will come to inform a large portion of the rest of your psychotherapy for the duration of your stay.