If you’re seeking out depression and addiction treatment in Birmingham, Asana Lodge offers a relaxing and supportive environment for a successful recovery. This suffering from severe depression and a drug or alcohol substance abuse problem will benefit from the professional and caring one-to-one assistance provided by our team of recovery staff and medical professionals.
A study by the mental health charity Mind found that approximately one in six people in England report experiencing a mental health problem in any given week. Depression manifests itself in many different ways and the causal factors are also unique. Those suffering from depression can often turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to self medicate, and those abusing drugs can also become depressed as a result of them.
We understand that everyone who suffers from depression is different and therefore will require a course of treatment especially designed for their particular set of circumstances.
Read on to find out:
- What depression is
- The different types of depression that exist
- What happens during dual diagnosis treatment in Birmingham
What is depression?
Depression is a mental health problem which has a negative impact on a person’s life. It’s often characterised as a ‘mood disorder’ but, in rare cases, the symptoms can also cause hallucinations and delusional thoughts (see ‘Different types of depression’ below).
Some of the most common symptoms of depression are ‘low mood’ and associated feelings of hopelessness and unhappiness. An individual may suddenly become withdrawn from the people around them and no longer take joy in activities they once found pleasurable. Depression also has a strong link with drug and alcohol use, which is why we offer a dual diagnosis treatment plan which is designed to treat both.
The causes of depression can be many and varied. Part of our rehab treatment in Birmingham is designed to understand the root causes of an individual’s mental health issues in order to provide the most effective course of treatment.
Traditionally, depression has been treated with drugs because it’s been considered an easy and low cost way to manage the symptoms. However, at Asana Lodge we understand that a range of approaches are required. We will only use medication when our clinical professionals believe it’s genuinely required – and always in combination with other holistic therapies which are designed for long-term (and drug-free) recovery.
Some of the causes of depression may include: bereavement, childhood trauma, adulthood trauma, physical health problems, redundancy, relationship problems and money worries.
Types of depression
The main types of depression are:-
Melancholic features
The activities that once brought a person pleasure no longer have the same affect. The person may also experience changing sleep cycles, particularly bad moods in the mornings, feelings of agitation and a changeable appetite.
Anxious distress
The sufferer feels constantly on edge, perhaps fearful of the future and may even be prone to panic attacks. This sense of heightened anxiety doesn’t always have an obvious or logical cause.
Seasonal pattern
The change of the seasons may bring a dramatic change to a person’s mood. They may suddenly become depressive, perhaps as a result of decreased exposure to sunlight.
Psychotic episodes
The person who is depressed may also become delusional or start sensing things that aren’t actually there (hallucinating). These psychotic episodes may be related to an extreme negative pattern of thinking which causes elevated insecurity.
Peripartum onset
When a woman is pregnant she may start to feel depressed. This can also happen in the weeks or months after giving birth (the latter is known as post-natal depression).
Atypical features
This form of depression is characterised by a high sensitivity to rejection, a leaden feeling in their arms and legs, increased appetite and only fleeting moments of pleasure and happiness.
A situation where the sufferer performs repetitive and needless movements.
Mixed features
An individual may be depressed and manic at the same time. Increased energy leads to an acceleration in speech and sometimes heightened self-esteem, but it’s accompanied mostly by depressive thoughts.
What happens during dual diagnosis treatment in Birmingham?
The Asana Lodge residential clinic provides people seeking dual diagnosis treatment for addiction and depression in Birmingham with a wide range of approaches to help alleviate and stop symptoms.
When you come to our clinic, we immediately set about understanding the particular nature of your mental health issue. You’ll be given the time and space to talk about your issues with depression and addiction, as well as the events in your life which may have contributed to it.
This conversation happens in a confidential setting with a clinical professional who will listen – without judgement – to your personal story and journey. By understanding the symptoms and root causes of your mental health and addiction issue, we can then develop an effective and tailored treatment plan.
There are a wide range of treatments which we may use, including:
This is one the simplest forms of therapies and still remains one of the most effective. In a counselling session, a therapist will ask you questions about your addiction and depression and the factors behind it. While the counsellor may offer practical advice, the main aim is to help you find the answers for yourself. Simple, open conversations can help you understand issues in a new light.
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Otherwise known as CBT. The idea behind CBT is to help you gain power over your thoughts and feelings. One of the main causes of depression is a cycle of negative thoughts which take over every aspect of your life. CBT aims to break that pattern by giving you a greater understanding of your thought patterns, and how you can take control over them through practical exercises.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
A complex name for a very simple exercise: expressing your thoughts out loud. A psychoanalytic therapist will gently prompt you to say whatever happens to be on your mind. This exercise may reveal deep-seated and hitherto unknown issues behind your depression, or reveal ways of thinking which are hampering your ability to feel positive and take positive actions.
For extreme forms of depression it may useful to prescribe antidepressants which dampen extreme negative thoughts. This gives you the ability to benefit from the other forms of treatment, some of which are outlined above. The idea is usually to wean the sufferer off of the medication so that they can function without them.
Book yourself in for dual diagnosis treatment in Birmingham
If your struggling with drug and alcohol addiction as well as depression and it’s having a negative impact on your life, it may be time to seek out dual diagnosis treatment in Birmingham at our residential clinic.
Call one of our team at Asana Lodge and we will ensure you receive the best possible treatment and give you best chance of taking back control of your mind and leading a happier and healthier life.