Life-changing levels of progress can be made through rehab. Yet once a return home is recommended, old influences and habits can creep back in, placing many recovering addicts in vulnerable positions.
In place to ease transitions from rehab, aftercare is a follow-on service, offered through private rehab. Recognised as essential to addiction recovery, rehab aftercare options include support groups, therapy sessions, 12-step programmes, and continuous check-ins.
Found to reduce exposure to high-risk situations, to support relapse prevention, and to provide a network of peer support and ongoing professional input, aftercare is an invaluable service. Here’s why rehab aftercare is essential to addiction recovery, recommended to all of our clients here at Asana Lodge.
Offering personal aftercare plans, to accommodate individual circumstances and lifestyles, we’re here to help you through rehab and your long-term recovery journey. Reach out for 12 months of free aftercare, accessible post-rehab.
What happens through rehab aftercare?
Rehab aftercare is a 12-month free service that is accessible post-rehab. It’s designed to prolong support, offer some form of structure, and increase accountability throughout sobriety.
Over the next year, a range of aftercare services will take place, personalised to individual needs. Some people require further therapy sessions post-rehab. Other recovering addicts thrive off social settings, benefiting from support groups and peer support sessions. Others will work best to a structure, where a 12-step programme can be accessed. Whilst some will prefer a mixture of all services, with regular check-ins.
Aftercare is personally recommended. It offers the type and level of support that recovering addicts require, at the moment, to manoeuvre through sobriety. It can work around individual circumstances and lifestyle choices, playing a different role for each individual.
Here’s why rehab aftercare is essential to addiction recovery, offering a wide range of post-rehab benefits.
Why is aftercare essential to addiction recovery?
Without ongoing support, it can be very difficult to keep on track, avoid relapse, maintain a balanced lifestyle and work through the expected challenges of immediate recovery. Rehab aftercare is therefore essential to addiction recovery, due to the below roles that it plays.
Supports relapse prevention
Relapse prevention planning is a step within the rehab process that benefits long-term recovery. It educates clients on the signs and symptoms of relapse, personal triggers and how to work through both.
Planning continues through aftercare sessions, as triggers can potentially change over time. Rehab aftercare is found to reduce the risk of relapse, due to ongoing awareness and control.
Offers a structure to follow
Having both a structure and schedules to follow are very important for recovering addicts. The structure represents balance and direction, which can be very reassuring whilst working through an unfamiliar process. Addiction recovery is a transition. It’s the greatest form of self-development. Familiarity, organisation, and clarity are all beneficial whilst transitioning, offered through aftercare.
Aftercare services provide a structure over the next 12 months. A structure can include a schedule to follow, goals to reach for, and tasks to achieve, helping to ease the load throughout post-rehab life.
Stands as a part of a 12-step programme
Aftercare is incorporated into 12-step programmes. Programmes are offered as a sustainable way to acclimatise to sobriety. Taking small steps throughout the programme allows for sobriety to be normalised and accepted at an easier rate.
Support groups and therapy sessions play a role across the 12 steps, helping clients return to a sense of normality.
Offers family support
Loved ones and friends can suffer through a drug and/or alcohol addiction. Witnessing the effects of addiction can be emotionally draining and challenging.
Addiction can also damage relationships, increase judgment and distance loved ones.
Aftercare services are available to support families through the recovery process. Educational sessions are offered, family therapy is available, and post-rehab steps can be communicated to grow and strengthen as a unit.
A strong support network is essential to addiction recovery. Rehab aftercare offers the chance to develop a personal network and homes in on the importance of relationships.
Provides an outlet for emotional support
The recovery process can be highly emotional. Old wounds and memories can trigger throughout the process. Aftercare provides an outlet of emotional support, acting as a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear.
Past mistakes, memories and struggles can be shared, worked through, and developed from, through such a strong outlet. Mental health support is also available, to alleviate any struggles.
Provides a meeting point
Aftercare can be used on a regular basis. Yet it’s also in place to work through a crisis or any challenges. Viewing aftercare as a meeting point can help recovering addicts stay out of risky situations, can increase accountability, and can provide direct access to urgent support.
One of the biggest obstacles, through recovery, is a lack of support/ awareness of its accessibility. Many recovering addicts can feel lost or unsure of where to turn. Rehab aftercare provides a safe haven and direction throughout the journey.
Offers a network of peer support
Aftercare provides a network of peer support. Many people will be experiencing the same transition process, post-rehab. Support groups and meetings offer a network of like-minded people, to help each other through the milestones of sobriety.
In some cases, the distance may be required from friends or associates, especially where social triggers are present. Aftercare offers the chance to make new friends, who are also looking to lead sober lifestyles.
Promotes healthy lifestyle choices
One of the key reasons why rehab aftercare is essential to addiction recovery is its promotion of health and wellbeing. Aftercare offers a range of resources, educational sessions, and services to improve wellbeing and mental health.
A healthy, balanced lifestyle will support sobriety. By taking part in aftercare and carrying forward advice on mindfulness, healthy choices and positive outlooks, a sustainable lifestyle can be formed.
Creating an aftercare plan here at Asana Lodge
Aftercare plays many different roles through addiction recovery. No matter which, it’s essential to continue on and excel through sobriety.
At Asana Lodge, we create personal aftercare plans, similarly to our inpatient programmes, following individual needs and circumstances. With our input, we can devise a feasible and beneficial aftercare plan to incorporate into your routine.
Reach out to develop your own or for more information on why rehab aftercare is essential to addiction recovery and offered for free from our centre.
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