In the same year, more than 7,000 individuals sadly lost their lives to an alcohol-related disease.
While various alcohol-related illnesses have seen individuals across the country require medical treatment, alcohol poisoning is one of the most prevalent causes of hospital admissions.
If you are worried that a loved one is at risk of developing alcohol poisoning due to the volume of alcohol they frequently consume, understanding how alcohol poisoning impairs an individual’s life and uncovering the symptoms of alcohol poisoning could essentially see you able to support them better in the near and far future.
Who Is At Risk Of Developing Alcohol Poisoning?
Individuals who frequently consume large quantities of alcohol are at greater risk of developing alcohol poisoning than individuals that limit their alcohol consumption. Considering this, those struggling with alcohol addictions at risk of developing alcohol poisoning, as are those that regularly binge drink and abuse alcohol.
This is because as significant amounts of alcohol are consumed, the liver faces immense pressure to filter toxins from the bloodstream. Unfortunately, the liver is only able to filter one unit of alcohol per hour.
As binge drinking and alcohol addictions often see individuals consume over ten units of alcohol in a relatively short time frame, the liver cannot filter alcohol from the bloodstream at the rate that it is consumed. As a result, the amount of alcohol transmitted to the bloodstream rapidly increases.
As alcohol enters an individual’s bloodstream, their risk of developing alcohol poisoning soars. Sadly, this leaves many experiencing the symptoms of alcohol poisoning.
What Are The Symptoms Of Alcohol Poisoning?
If you find yourself concerned that a loved one may be at risk of developing alcohol poisoning, understanding the symptoms of alcohol poisoning will help you identify any signs as and when they develop. The earlier alcohol poisoning is detected; the sooner treatment can be administered.
Although there are a number of symptoms associated with alcohol poisoning, the most apparent symptoms will include;
- Persistent sickness and vomiting
- Extreme confusion
- Slurred speech
- Lack of coordination
- Inability to walk
- Irregular breathing
- Irregular heartbeat
- Reduced temperature – individuals will complain that they feel cold and will also be cold to touch
- Unconsciousness
- Changes in complexion – blue or pale skin
- Dehydration
In extreme cases, those struggling with alcohol poisoning will also be at risk of having seizures and could choke when vomiting. There is also a significant chance that a heart attack may occur. With this in mind, if alcohol poisoning is present, individuals should not be left alone.
If you have noticed any of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning in a family member, friend or even colleague, you must call 999. You must not wait to see if the ramifications of alcohol poisoning alleviate, and you must not attempt to treat an individual yourself.
Alcohol poisoning is a grave illness that can reduce the quality of an individual’s life and, in severe cases, can lead to death.
What Treatment Is Available For Alcohol Poisoning?
As touched on above, alcohol poisoning is a grave illness that requires medical assistance and treatment. You should not attempt to treat alcohol poisoning yourself, and you should always ensure that the individual suffering from alcohol poisoning has access to medical care.
As and when medical assistance is provided, doctors will typically conduct various tests to determine the severity of alcohol poisoning. In some cases, the individual struggling with the symptoms of alcohol poisoning may simply need close monitoring for a set period. However, in severe situations, treatment may be required.
The treatment that is required will entirely depend on the symptoms that are present. For example, if an individual becomes severely dehydrated and continuously vomits, an intravenous drip will likely be inserted to increase hydration levels. If an individual is struggling to breathe on their own, they may be subject to intubation.
If doctors deem it necessary, the individual displaying the symptoms of alcohol poisoning may need to have their stomach pumped. This will ultimately flush any toxins and alcohol from their digestive system and prevent greater levels of alcohol from entering the bloodstream.
Reducing The Risk Of Alcohol Poisoning
While many individuals do not give alcohol poisoning a second thought, as determined above, alcohol poisoning is a severe illness that impairs an individual’s life. Although the symptoms of alcohol poisoning can be alleviated through the employment of medical treatment, alcohol poisoning can have long-term ramifications on an individual’s life.
With this in mind, reducing the risk of alcohol poisoning is imperative.
In order to reduce the risk of alcohol poisoning, individuals must consume smaller quantities of alcohol. As recommended by the NHS, men and women should avoid consuming over 14 units of alcohol per week.
As and when alcohol is consumed, it must be consumed gradually, rather than within a short time frame. This will ultimately ensure that the liver is able to filter any alcohol that is consumed and prevent alcohol poisoning.
Contact Asana Lodge For Addiction Support
At Asana Lodge, we provide treatment to those who have become addicted to alcohol and have consequently felt the ramifications of their addiction.
From administering medically induced detoxification to providing psychological and well-being therapy, our team of medical professionals have supported thousands of individuals struggling with addictions.
If you are becoming increasingly concerned about a loved one, and believe that they may be struggling with alcohol addiction, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We can provide you with the support and guidance you need to help your loved one, and we can also help you make a family referral to ensure that your loved one obtains the treatment they need to overcome their addiction.
If you would like to talk to us, please call us on 01908 489 421. Alternatively, you can email
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