Unfortunately, a drug addiction or alcohol addiction won’t just go away on its own. If you want to change your life and create a sober, happy future to look forward to, then you have to put in the hard work.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Windsor

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It’s not an easy process, but once you’ve taken that first leap and asked a professional drug and alcohol rehab for help, it’ll all fall into place as you receive constant support and guidance on how to achieve your long-term recovery from addiction.

We know it seems scary, but we can assure you, we’re not here to judge, only to listen and offer the very best support we can give you.

It’s natural to feel as though you’re alone in your battle against addiction, however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. There are so many people who are living in a similar situation to you, dealing with the effects of addiction on a daily basis.

In a publication from the Office of National Statistics in March 2020, they estimated that 1 in 11 adults aged 16 to 59 years had taken a drug in the last year (9.4% – approx. 3.2 million). Although cannabis continues to be the most popular drug used, 3.4% of adults aged 16 to 59 years said they had taken a Class A drug in the last year.

If you’re ready to dedicate yourself to our drug and alcohol rehab, call us today on 01908 489 421 or email us at info@asanalodge.com.


How do you know if you need to visit a Rehabilitation Centre?

Many people who are suffering from an addiction tend to shut themselves away from the rest of the world, or at least shut away their addiction and pretend as though it’s not there. It’s common to be in denial about your condition and to downplay your symptoms as to not worry your loved ones.

However, this avoidance will do you no good. We can’t stress the importance of opening up to someone about what you’re going through. Whether that’s a friend, family member, stranger, a member of our team, even verbally admitting to yourself that you have a condition which requires professional support can help.

You must be ready to acknowledge your addiction and be prepared for the dedication, determination, and sheer effort it will take to achieve your long-term recovery. We can’t sugar coat it, it’s a huge challenge, but one with the greatest reward – a life free from addiction.

There’s no addiction too mild or too severe to not warrant professional support. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been suffering from the effects of addiction for a long time now or if you’ve only just started to feel the impact of your addiction, there is no better time than right now to seek help.

We welcome people into our rehabilitation centre from all walks of life, at all stages of their addiction, so please don’t feel as though you don’t warrant our support; we’re here and more than happy to help.

If you’ve been living with your addiction for some time, then you’ll likely notice a deterioration in your physical health, whether that’s increased headaches, skin sores, bloodshot eyes, gaunt skin, or significant weight loss or weight gain.

Your personal hygiene may be lacking, you might feel as though you want to avoid any kind of social interaction. As someone who abuses alcohol or drugs, you’ll be at an increased risk of developing heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Excessive substance use can also have a dramatic effect on your psychological health, leaving you at much higher risk of anxiety, depression, stress, bipolarity, and suicide. Now is the time to make a change before you cause yourself any life-altering damage.


Can you live at home whilst receiving Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatments?

There’s a wide variety of drug and alcohol rehab treatments available, one of them is to receive outpatient care whilst staying at home. This can be provided by free local health services such as the NHS or taken with a private rehabilitation centre.

Whilst staying in the comfort of your own home may sound appealing, it can actually be counter-productive to your long-term recovery. The aim of rehabilitation is to be put outside of your comfort zone in order to make a real change.

By staying at home, you’re remaining in an environment where there could be negative influences, distractions, and the usual stresses of home life, this is why it’s the least effective form of addiction rehabilitation for most people.

The most effective way to treat drug addiction or alcohol addiction has proven to be through residential rehabilitation which is what we predominately offer at our drug and alcohol rehab Windsor.

You can stay with us, in your own private room, with 24/7 support from our expert team of recovery workers. We take care of everything so there’s nothing for you to be distracted by or worried about except recovering from your addiction.


What kind of Therapies do we offer?

We deliver evidence-based therapies which address your physical, psychological, emotional, and social connection to your addiction.

Some of the therapies which we offer include cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, stress management, individual, group, and family counselling, motivational interviewing, relaxation and sleep management, mindfulness, yoga, low level laser therapy, art therapy, fitness therapy, and nutritional supplement therapy. These are usually delivered alongside a drug and alcohol detoxification.

We will personalise your treatment programme so that it’s unique to your specific needs. This ensures the drug and alcohol rehab treatments are as effective as they can be, thus giving you the greatest opportunity to achieve your long-term recovery goals.

Our support will continue through our personalised aftercare programmes which is available for all of our clients; this is completely free for 12 months after leaving our drug and alcohol rehab Windsor.

Call us today on 01908 489 421 or email us at info@asanalodge.com.


