Drug and alcohol addictions have a significant impact on the lives of many individuals every day.
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Wheathampstead

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Although there is treatment readily available to take advantage of, a large proportion of those struggling with addictions will do so alone. Regrettably, this causes addictions to escalate and eventually control an individual’s every waking moment.
If you are hoping to locate a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Wheathampstead, you may have several questions regarding your rehab options and available treatment. Should this resonate with you, here at Asana Lodge, we have provided all of the information you need as you look to locate a suitable rehab here.
To secure treatment as soon as possible, we highly advise contacting us directly.
Get In Touch
Are you suffering from a Drug or Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Asana Lodge is a leading UK based expert in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. You can either call our confidential helpline or request a call-back by clicking on the below form.
Understanding Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab
When it comes to securing addiction treatment, you may be under the impression that you can only do so via your local doctor. However, this is not true. Across Wheathampstead, there are a plethora of inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol rehabs that can be accessed.
Inpatient centres, or residential rehabs as they are otherwise known, do not require a professional referral. Often provided by private rehabilitation groups, inpatient rehabs see clients remain within their chosen facility as they progress through treatment.
In contrast, outpatient rehab, which is offered by the NHS, is free of charge and does require a medical referral. Unlike inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab is typically attended a few times a week to complete one-to-one and group therapy.
Though outpatient rehab is beneficial, inpatient rehab is recommended due to the benefits associated. However, many individuals will opt to attend an outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Wheathampstead as it is free of charge.
The Benefits Of Inpatient Rehab
Although attending an outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Wheathampstead may be desired, attending an inpatient rehab, such as our own, is advised. This is because there are many benefits associated with inpatient rehab.
We have noted just a few benefits of inpatient rehab below.
- Inpatient rehab enables those struggling with addictions to recuperate from their addiction in a safe and secure location away from the stress of everyday life.
- Attending an inpatient rehab ensures that around the clock care and medical support can be provided.
- The treatment offered by inpatient rehabs, such as our own, is industry-leading. Each treatment is customised to the needs of clients to guarantee that addictions can be overcome.
- Removing the need to wait for treatment, inpatient rehabs offer immediate admissions.
Inpatient Rehab At Asana Lodge
Here at Asana Lodge, we provide inpatient rehabilitation to individuals from all walks of life. Our rehab is equipped with state of the art facilities and provides industry-leading treatments to those in need.
Offering around the clock care and support, our team of medical professionals, recovery support workers and psychologists help clients understand their addiction and determine how they can secure a long-term recovery through the employment of various treatment options.
Our Treatment Options
Understanding that no one addiction is the same, we pride ourselves on administering treatments that can be customised to suit each person’s needs.
Below, we have outlined just a few of the treatments that are available at our rehab.
- Detoxification
- Rehabilitation
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Bereavement, trauma and abuse counselling
- Satori therapy
- Stress management
- NAD+ therapy
- Family therapy
- Well-being therapy
Each of the treatments noted above plays a vital role in an individual’s recovery. However, should you attend our rehab, you may not encounter all of the treatments that we offer. This is because you will be equipped with a personalised treatment programme that will combine the treatments that our medical team believe will enable you to overcome your addiction.
Essentially, your personalised treatment programme will include a detoxification and rehabilitation programme. Completing a detoxification programme will ensure that you withdraw from the substance you have become addicted to.
As you progress through detoxification, harmful toxins will be removed from your body, giving you the chance to begin to physically recover from your addiction. In contrast, rehabilitation, which combines a range of psychological and well-being therapies, will help you address the cause of your addiction and enable you to learn how to navigate your recovery.
To determine which treatments will benefit you, you will be required to complete a clinical assessment as you enter our rehab. This assessment will help our team understand your addiction to provide suitable treatment recommendations.
Get In Contact Today
To find out more about our treatments, the treatments you may need to overcome your addiction and our facilities, please get in contact with us today.
In doing so, we can help you take the first step in overcoming your substance abuse.
What Facilities are available at Asana Lodge?
At Asana Lodge, our facilities include 25 modern bedrooms, a welcome lounge, medication and examination rooms, a library, large lounge and dining spaces, individual therapy rooms and external courtyards and gardens. To ensure that our clients can relax and focus solely on their recovery, we also have an on-site chef on hand to prepare nutritious meals. Laundry services are additionally available.
Will I be able to see my family during Treatment?
Yes, of course. Although you will be unable to leave our rehab during your treatment, we host many family visitation days to ensure that our clients can arrange to see their family members. You will also be able to contact your family during your time in our rehab via telephone, Zoom and text message.
What can I bring to Rehab?
When you enter our rehab, you will be permitted to bring a range of personal items from home with you. These include clothing, footwear, sportswear, photographs, reading materials, toiletries, medication and electronic devices. If you take any prescribed medication, you will be required to hand this over to our medical team upon your arrival. While this may seem alarming, this is for the safety of our clients. We will also need to examine your toiletries to ensure that they do not contain alcohol.