Page Last Updated: 22/08/2023

There are many traditional addiction treatment services which are used to medically treat drug and alcohol abuse/addiction. There are also some innovative options, which focus on holistic healing, education, and long-term recovery. Experiencing a combination of both is highly recommended for an effective recovery process.  

An addiction is a physical and psychological condition with many different layers. To recover and to remain sober, each layer must be treated effectively and sustainably. Yet the type of treatment that will offer results for you, will not benefit the next individual in the same way.  

Drug and Alcohol Rehab East Acton

To make sure that you can benefit from effective treatment, it’s important that you aim to find the most suitable in East Acton. Suitable treatment will consider your needs, accommodate them, and protect them.

We at Asana Lodge can help you experience a combination of treatments which are suitable, effective, and proven to treat addiction. Through the admissions process, finding the right drug and alcohol rehab in East Acton will be possible, to experience our recommendations.

Contact our admissions team to share your needs, which will soon turn into your own tailored drug and alcohol rehabilitation programme.

We offer safe detoxification, effective rehabilitation, dual diagnosis treatments and aftercare services to sustainably treat addiction. Contact our team through our helpline, to recover and change your life away from drug and alcohol abuse.

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Are you suffering from a Drug or Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Asana Lodge is a leading UK based expert in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. You can either call our confidential helpline or request a call-back by clicking on the below form.

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Finding effective treatment in East Acton

Within your local area, you’ll be faced with a number of treatment options, programmes, and services to select from. Some will be available through the NHS, whilst others will be privately offered through rehab. Your next steps should focus on selecting the most effective form of treatment, for your needs.

Through NHS services there will be less flexibility. You’ll be added to a waiting list which will be followed by a generic treatment programme. Free treatments are understandably convenient and can be effective for some individuals. Yet they will be ineffective for those who require urgent support or a personalised programme.

Flexibility can be found through inpatient and outpatient services via a drug and alcohol rehab in East Acton. Tailored programmes are offered through both services, which will consider the length and type of treatment that’s offered. This is found to be highly effective for addicts, as it provides the tools, motivations, and efficient timescales to recover.

To gauge what’s effective for you, you should consider your budget, location, opportunities to visit private rehab, your time sensitivity, and your strength of addiction. NHS treatments are mostly effective to treat substance abuse, whilst private rehab is best to treat addiction.

Through our admissions process, we can help to gauge the most suitable and effective in East Acton.


Tailored treatment programmes

At Asana Lodge, we see the value in tailored treatment programmes. Whether you select an outpatient or inpatient treatment service, we will make sure that each step is tailored to your needs.

We value personalisation as we understand how unalike addiction is as a diagnosis, condition, and treatable illness. We also appreciate that the type of drug that’s been consumed, the length of consumption, that triggers and that consequences of substance abuse will influence the effectiveness of treatment.

By visiting our specialist rehabilitation centre, you can expect to complete a tailored programme either through an inpatient 28-day structure, or through weekly sessions of outpatient care. Working through the expected steps of drug and alcohol rehabilitation, we will provide recommendations of addiction treatments, sources of support and additional activities to improve the effectiveness of treatment.


Expected rehab steps

Post-admission, once all arrangements have been made and you’re ready to begin rehab, the below steps will follow. They make up the entire rehabilitation process, helping to treat and manage addiction.


A detoxification process will be required to withdraw drugs and alcohol from the body. This is a physical, medical process, fully observed by professionals. The aim is to safely eliminate the influence of drugs and alcohol, from the body, to minimise cravings and future consumption. This step will also focus on improving physical wellbeing, to prepare the body for long-term recovery.


Visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in East Acton will provide access to recommendations of leading treatment services. The most effective will be recommended to you personally to rehabilitate on psychological levels. Treatments including cognitive behavioural therapy, group therapy and individual therapy will be led by specialist psychiatrists to emotionally recover.

Holistic programmes

At Asana Lodge we focus heavily on holistic healing. Alongside usual treatment options, we offer flexible programmes of holistic therapies, to improve overall health and balance. Anything from satori chair therapy and sauna detoxification can be experienced.

Mental health recovery

We also prioritise mental health recovery, as dual diagnosis rates are high through addiction. Co-occurring symptoms of depression, anxiety and further behavioural problems are common for those with addiction problems. Yet to recover mental health issues must be worked through, to strengthen the mind, offer greater clarity and control, and to reduce future relapse. Dual diagnosis treatment is offered through private rehab.

Relapse prevention planning

A further step of rehab which helps to reduce relapse is relapse prevention planning. It prepares clients for sobriety, by offering realistic coping strategies and motivation. A plan will be developed to spot relapse, to prevent its escalation and to work through any symptoms.


Aftercare is offered post-rehab yet is included within the cost. 12 months of free aftercare will be available at Asana Lodge to help residents adjust and gain confidence after leaving the rehab centre. Sessions take place weekly over Zoom.

Each step can be encountered through outpatient and inpatient rehab. Yet for a progressive and targeted process, residential rehab is encouraged here at Asana Lodge.


Starting the admissions process here at Asana Lodge

An admission into private rehab can take place here at Asana Lodge. Over the phone, we can get to know your needs through a confidential, free assessment. Results will help to recognise the most effective treatment option to treat your addiction, symptoms, and experiences.

If visiting a private drug and alcohol rehab in East Acton is suitable and effective for your needs, a referral can be made here. Reach out for our specialist support and treatment recommendations, to overcome your addiction.

How do you convince someone to go to rehab?

At the end of the day, rehab will need to be accepted by your loved one/friend/employee. Yet there are some steps that you can take to increase their motivation. Via a referral into rehab, you can begin the process with the reassuring support of our services. We can guide you through the process of approaching them, of sharing rehabilitation options, and of potentially completing an intervention. Although it’s a personal choice, you can look to convince them of rehab and its necessary services.

What should I pack for rehab?

On admission into rehab, you will be provided with full guidance on what’s ahead. Yet to prepare, you should pack your personal items, hygiene products, any prescriptions, clothing, and items which offer comfort. You should avoid any prohibited items including drugs and alcohol, weapons, electrical devices, and food.

What is outpatient rehab?

Outpatient rehab is where you’ll visit a drug and alcohol rehab in East Acton for regular treatment sessions. It’s a flexible treatment option which provides the chance to recover, while also continuing with everyday life over a number of months. It’s beneficial for some individuals yet can be challenging for others who struggle with highly influential lifestyles and time sensitive periods. On admission into rehab, we will recommend the most suitable option for your needs.