People suffering from drug and alcohol abuse in the UK is probably more common than you think, yet it still has a stigma attached to it. There are people out there who sadly perceive addiction to be a weakness, which ultimately makes it even harder for those who need support, to ask for it.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Croydon

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From the years of experience that we have in drug and alcohol treatment, we can vouch for just how much courage it takes to come forward and ask for professional support; it’s certainly nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.

You should take great pride in acknowledging you need help as you seek this out to provide a more promising future for yourself.


What are the benefits of joining a residential drug and alcohol rehab?

One of the main things you’ll gain from staying in a residential centre like our rehab in Croydon, is that the only thing you need to focus on is achieving your recovery goals.

Whereas, if you were to attempt recovery at home or through outpatient drug and alcohol services, you’ll still be surrounded by the distractions and possible temptations of home life. You’ll benefit from a much more worthwhile and successful experience at a focused, residential rehabilitation centre.

Another great advantage is that you’ll receive a completely personalised addiction treatment programme, maximising your chances of success. Even before you join our rehab in Croydon, we conduct a physical and psychological assessment in addition to checking your medical history.

We do all of this to gain a better insight into the nature of your addiction so that we can create the most effective treatment programme for you to follow.

Of course, during your stay with us, you’ll receive the utmost care and respect from our dedicated team. Whilst their primary role is to ensure your safety, they’re there to help you in any way you need throughout the duration of your addiction treatment.


What kind of addiction treatments do we offer?

Whilst all of our clients receive a personalised treatment programme, we’re likely to suggest that you visit our detox clinic in the early stages of your drug and alcohol rehab experience.

Detoxification is a great way to remove all of the harmful toxins from your body, allowing your physical and psychological health a chance to cleanse.

You’ll be supervised by our dedicated team of medical experts 24/7 to ensure your safety throughout this challenging process; they’ll make it as comfortable as possible for you.

Drug or alcohol detox does bring some discomfort, as you reduce your intake of the substance you’ll likely begin to experience withdrawal symptoms. These can range from mild sickness to more severe withdrawal symptoms such as seizures, insomnia or even delirium tremens which need to be met with emergency medical attention.

This is why it’s so vital that our team are on hand to support and guide you to successful detoxification.


What to do for a loved one who’s struggling to overcome drug and alcohol abuse

If your aim is to encourage a member of your family or a friend to seek support from our drug and alcohol rehab, then we can advise you what to do.

First of all, if you’re still unsure whether they require addiction treatment, there are some common signs to look out for which could help you to determine if they are abusing drugs or alcohol.

These include feeling sick regularly, dizziness, the shakes, skin sores, redness of the face, sweats, fluctuating temperatures, depression, anxiety, or difficulty sleeping.

If you’ve noticed one or more of the above symptoms, then it’s imperative that you act as quickly as possible before your loved one suffers from irreversible damage as a result of drug and alcohol abuse.

There are many negative side effects which come with substance abuse, leaving the person affected at much higher risk of developing heart disease, liver disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

In some cases of prolonged drug and alcohol abuse, there is also a higher risk of violence towards others in addition to potential brain damage.

Don’t let any of these devastating effects take hold of your loved one, you can make a difference in their life by using our friend and family referral service.

You simply need to get in touch with our admissions team to provide us with more details on your friend or family member that you’re concerned about. From this, we can begin to gain a better understanding of the nature and severity of their drug and alcohol abuse.

Our team can then go away and propose the best course of action to take, recommending a family or friend intervention if needed.

This can be a very difficult process for everyone involved, please rest assured we have helped countless families successfully complete this process. It’s extremely rewarding to know you have made such a significant, positive contribution to someone’s life.


Are you ready to start your journey to long-term recovery?

Whilst our addiction treatment programmes have a high success rate, you must be prepared to commit to such a lifestyle overhaul for our therapies to truly work. If you’re ready to change your negative behaviours, then we’re ready to welcome you into our rehabilitation centre; we guarantee it’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made.

Even once you’ve completed your treatment programme with us which typically takes around 28 days, we will continue to support you through your bespoke aftercare plan.

This is completely free and lasts for 12 months, it’s designed to aid with relapse prevention and to help keep you motivated as you persist with your recovery back at home.

Get in touch with us today and take your first step towards a life free from drug and alcohol abuse.

Call our team on 01908 489 421 or email us at