Drug and Alcohol Rehab Bangor

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Do you live in Bangor? Do you require specialist drug and alcohol addiction treatment? Have you found it somewhat difficult to locate a drug and alcohol rehab in Bangor to support you in your recovery?
If you have so far struggled to find a drug and alcohol rehab in Bangor that can support you as you look to regain control of your life and overcome your addiction to drugs or alcohol, you may feel like giving up.
You may also believe that if a drug and alcohol rehab in Bangor cannot support you, your only choice is to attempt to recover independently.
However, we must stop you in your tracks. If you have been unable to secure treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Bangor, we welcome you to attend our residential drug and alcohol rehab in Towcester.
Attempting To Recover From An Addiction Independently Has Detrimental Consequences
Should you find yourself contemplating attempting to recover from your addiction independently, we would ask you not to do so. Sadly, trying to overcome your addiction without professional support has detrimental consequences.
Unbeknown to many, the first stage of addiction recovery sees a medically induced detoxification administered. When administered by professionals in a secure location, detoxification is entirely safe.
Although withdrawal symptoms will be encountered, there is a plethora of support available at all times. However, when an individual decides to attempt to withdraw from substances without professional support, there is a much more significant risk that a relapse will be encountered. Sadly, this causes addictions to intensify, leaving many requiring more intense addiction treatment.
Furthermore, many individuals battling addictions fail to realise that addictions are psychological disorders. In order to truly overcome an addiction, psychological treatment such as therapy is needed.
Considering this, individuals who attempt to recover from an addiction independently are again at much greater risk of relapsing as they cannot overcome the psychological ramifications of addiction.
Seeking Treatment At A Drug and Alcohol Rehab In Bangor
Understanding just how vital it is that you secure professional treatment to overcome your addiction safely, your thoughts will once again turn to attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Bangor. However, having failed to previously secure treatment, you may feel deflated.
Although there are a number of NHS and private rehabs in Bangor, it is in your best interest to consider attending a rehab elsewhere.
Attending Our Rehab Will Ensure That You Are Able To Overcome Your Addiction
Regardless of whether you have become addicted to drugs such as heroin or cocaine or find yourself dependent on alcohol, attending our rehab will ensure that you are able to overcome your addiction.
Combining industry-leading treatments with state of the art facilities, our residential rehab has helped thousands of individuals like you overcome their addiction and make a long-term recovery.
While the thought of attending a residential rehab may leave you feeling nervous and unsettled, there are many benefits of doing so. For example, attending our residential rehab will enable you to take advantage of the traditional and non-traditional treatments that we provide to our clients.
Attending our residential rehab will also offer you the ability to relax and recuperate from the physical and psychological ramifications of your addiction.
Attending Our Rehab Will Help You Repair Relationships
As you contemplate attending rehab for addiction treatment, you may have hoped to attend a drug and alcohol rehab in Bangor to ensure that you remained close to your loved ones.
Although we understand that you have good intentions, in some instances, attending a rehab close to home can hinder and harm your relationships with others.
This is because your addiction will have gradually taken its toll on your loved ones. Although unintentional, your behaviour could have also damaged your relationship with others at the height of your addiction.
Considering this, attending our rehab will also help you repair your relationships. This is because attending our residential rehab will offer both yourself and your loved ones the time and space needed to recover from the overall impact of your addiction.
If your relationships with your loved ones have broken down, at Asana Lodge, we can provide family mediation and therapy. Facilitated by our team of therapy professionals, family mediation and therapy will offer you the chance to discuss your addiction with your loved ones. Family mediation and therapy will also provide insight into how your addiction has taken its toll on your loved ones.
Personalised Treatment Programmes At Asana Lodge
At Asana Lodge, no client is treated the same. Our treatments are personalised to the needs of each individual that enters our rehab.
To ensure that your treatment and care are personalised, you will need to complete a clinical assessment upon entering our rehab. Although the thought of completing a clinical assessment may be daunting, we must conduct this assessment as it will ensure that we understand your addiction.
The assessment will also enable us to identify how your addiction has impaired your life. We will also have the opportunity to evaluate the physical and psychological effects your addiction has had on your life.
Throughout the assessment, we will ask you a number of questions. When answering our questions, it is crucial that you are as honest as possible. This is because the answers you provide will ultimately contribute to the treatment you receive.
As your clinical assessment comes to an end, we will provide you with a personalised treatment programme. Likely to include detoxification, one-to-one counselling, psychotherapy and group therapy, your programme will outline the treatment you will receive and the length of time that you will need treatment for.
Please be aware that your progress will be monitored during your time in our rehab. As a result, you may find that your treatment programme is sometimes adjusted.
Contact Us Today For Treatment
Although you will have set out to find a drug and alcohol rehab in Bangor, if you require addiction treatment, we welcome you to contact us today to secure treatment at our residential rehab.