Despite the fact that lockdown is easing, it doesn’t mean that mental health issues are disappearing. In fact, it is quite the opposite. The implementation of the ‘new normal’ is bringing about a whole range of challenges that individuals are having to cope with.

Here at Asana Lodge, we offer a range of treatments to help you overcome your mental health issues. If you want to find out more about our treatment options, or you need some advice you can contact us; we are always happy to help.


Concerns around lockdown easing contributing to mental health issues

With the easing of lockdown and the encouragement by Government for everyone to go back outside, visit restaurants and pubs and visit loved ones and family, albeit within the socially distanced guidelines, there has been a rise in mental health issues impacting the general population.

After spending months at home, isolating, doing very little and seeing only a handful of people, it’s no wonder that you may be anxious at the thought of leaving your home.

For some, this could turn into a real phobia, agoraphobia, the fear of being in open public places. Being told that going out and socialising was wrong and selfish for so long will make it difficult for anyone to settle into the ‘new normal’.

Even the slightest change to the regulations can feel like a monumental shift in our daily lives, but maintaining lines of communication are vital at this stage, not just for ourselves, but for others as well. Talking about our experiences with others can help to alleviate some symptoms of depression and anxiety .


Fear and anxiety

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic we have been told what is right and what is wrong, selfish and simply stupid. We have adapted our lives and changed our habits and ways of thinking, but now that we are allowed back out, its hard to convert back to how we used to think and feel.

The government is encouraging us to go out, eat out, drink at pubs and visit loved ones, but all these activities can bring with them huge amounts of worry, fear and anxiety. Fear of hurting those we love; are we transmitting this virus without knowing it?

Or perhaps you find the prospect of leaving your home extremely stressful. Whatever you struggle with, fear and anxiety can become extremely destructive to your life, which is why they must be managed.

Talking to loved ones or professionals can help with navigating these anxious and negatives thoughts.


Managing mental health post lockdown

Post lockdown will affect each individual differently, which is why its important to look out for your loved ones and contact those that have been isolated, living with families, dealing with grief or those that you’ve not heard from throughout lockdown.

Its important to take every step at your own pace. Don’t feel rushed to book a table at a restaurant, or invite people round for a BBQ and remember that other may be taking it slow too, if they are vulnerable or living with a vulnerable person.

Staying connected, whether by phone, email, social media or socially distanced catch ups, its important to communicate with friends and family during this time.


Managing a family

Living in lockdown with a family is a stressful experience, however post lockdown may bring just as many challenges.

Having spent so much time with your family, you may start to worry that you’re not spending enough quality time together. You may find, particularly with toddlers, that you, or your children, are suffering with separation anxiety.

It can be hard to adjust, but just remember that you won’t be the only one feeling that way.


Dealing with grief

This pandemic has brought with it an enormous amount of grief. Loved ones have been lost and in some cases the mourning has not properly taken place, as loved ones could not say their goodbyes as funerals were not held.

Remember to reach out to those that have been affected by grief during this time, as they may need a friend to talk to.

If you, yourself, are suffering from grief and feel you can’t cope, our team at Asana Lodge can help give you some advice on dealing with grief and even offer grief counselling.


How your diet can help

Our minds and bodies are intrinsically linked, which means that ‘we are what we eat’. A healthy balanced diet can have a hugely positive impact on your mental health, however when you’re feeling low you often crave the comfort foods that have a negative impact on your mind and bodies.

Processed foods and refined sugar are what most people will crave when they feel stressed, but this isn’t really what our bodies needs.

We’re now at a stage where we’re being encouraged to go out more and spend our money. Even if you don’t feel brave enough to venture to a restaurant or pub, you can think more creatively about your diet, perhaps look up some new recipes or treat yourself to a new cookbook.

Cooking is a great way to bring people together, but to also relax and be creative.


Next steps

Lockdown has been daunting and scary for the whole population, as we as a nation, and planet, have never experienced an event quite like Covid-19.

In these more extreme circumstances its always best to focus on things in your life that you can control and find something that helps to ground you when you feel the negative thoughts building up.

There’s no rush to get back out into the community, it is important that you progress out of lockdown at your own pace, but try to maintain any new hobbies that you picked up throughout lockdown.

Here at Asana Lodge we are always happy to listen and provide advice on dealing with these difficult times.


Raffa Bari - Author - Last Updated: 11 September 2020

Raffa Bari (Bsc, CertEd, CELTA, NLP Prac, BAAT) has an extensive background in addiction recovery, specialising in areas such as Integrative Art Psychotherapy (BAAT Registered) for addiction treatment.

Using her incredible dedication and passion towards personal transformation and recovery, Raffa has helped truly transform the lives of so many individuals.

It is this extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in everything to do with addiction recovery that makes her the perfect author for our site.

Raffa will be posting regularly with new updates and information on the latest industry topics to do with addiction and mental health.

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