anxiety Treatment

Anxiety Treatment Birmingham

Asana Lodge is here for people who are seeking specialist addiction and anxiety treatment in Birmingham. We understand that people from a wide range of backgrounds can struggle with crippling drug and alcohol addiction and anxiety as a result. The causes can be many and varied, which is reflected by the diverse range of treatments we provide.

Today, society as a whole is becoming more understanding about anxiety. People speak more openly about mental health issues, many famous faces appear on TV screens discussing their own experiences. Yet, many people still find it incredibly difficult to speak about the subject.

It’s important to remember there are different degrees of anxiety. Some people may experience occasional mild panic, while others are in a constant state of heightened anxiety which impacts their social and professional life.

On this page, you’ll find out:

  • The symptoms and causes of anxiety
  • How dual diagnosis treatment in Birmingham works


What is anxiety?

Anxiety is classified as a mental illness. It’s characterised by a feeling of heightened fear or panic which has no rational basis. This is caused by the body excreting the ‘fight or flight’ hormone, adrenaline, at times when it’s not needed.

Adrenaline can be very useful, particularly in dangerous situations. For example, if you are faced with a charging bear, adrenaline kicks in so that you run away as fast as you can. But a similar spike of adrenaline is not needed when you’re attending a social occasion or making a cup of tea.

Feelings of anxiety may be caused by a traumatic event or by current life circumstances. Sufferers may have persistent fear or worry which is sometimes impossible to shake off. It can make an individual feel helpless as they have no apparent control of their feelings. No matter how hard they try to apply logical thought-processes to a scenario, the body tells them differently.

Other symptoms of anxiety can include tiredness and fatigue, a churning stomach, fast heartbeat, chest pains, sweating and hot flushes, nausea and dizziness, and an intense feeling of dread. Anxiety can also lead to addiction issues when people suffering with their mental health attempt to self medicate with drugs or alcohol. This is why we offer dual diagnosis treatment at Asana Lodge.

Often, willpower is not enough to overcome addiction and anxiety. This is one of the reasons Asana Lodge provides specialist dual diagnosis treatment in Birmingham. We can ensure that sufferers get one-to-one help that addresses the physical and emotional issues which lay behind the symptoms. By successfully tackling those deep-lying causes, the chances of conquering addiction and anxiety are greatly increased.


Types of anxiety

Anxiety comes in many forms. We provide anxiety treatments in Birmingham which can be tailored to all the different forms the illness takes.

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

The most common anxiety. GAD sufferers feel overly worried and fearful much of the time. They may feel out of control and constantly hyper-alert. This can affect day-to-day life, including work, social situations, family life and hobbies.

Social anxiety disorder

While it’s common for people to be mildly worried or nervous about social situations, for people with a social anxiety disorder it’s much more pronounced. It’s marked by intense fear or dread which can come on before, during or after a social event. You’re not alone: many people are looking for social anxiety treatment in Birmingham – and we’re here to help.

Panic disorder

The classic ‘panic attack’ happens without obvious reason. It can become a vicious cycle as the panic attack can come so unexpectedly and be so frightening (causing dizziness, accelerated heart rate among other possible symptoms) that sufferers will likely worry about having another one.


Some people have a great fear of being stuck in situations where escape is difficult. This can include public spaces (such as shops), using public transport, leaving home, or being in a crowded place.


A phobia is an overwhelming fear of something. It could be an object, place, situation, or animal. This is not a normal fear and can be identified when someone goes to extreme lengths to avoid the thing they are fearful of.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

A terrible event, such as a life-threatening situation, can cause people to feel anxious weeks, months or even years after the event. It’s common among ex-soldiers, but it can happen to anyone who’s been in a traumatic event.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

The term ‘OCD‘ is often misused in common parlance to describe someone who is ‘a little bit fussy’. Actually, OCD is characterised by unwelcome thoughts or feelings which are very difficult to ignore. For example, someone may constantly re-check that they’ve locked the front door over and over again, because of a paranoid fear that somehow they may have left it open – despite evidence to the contrary.

Body dysmorphic disorder

People who have intensely negative thoughts about the way they look may suffer from body dysmorphic disorder. These thoughts can have a major impact on their daily life.


People who suffer from irrational skin-picking (or dermatillomania), will pick at perfectly healthy skin on their face or body. Sufferers feel compelled to it and may cause bleeding, bruising or even scarring.


Much like above, sufferers feel compelled to pull out their hair for no logical reason. It’s not just from the scalp, individuals may pull hair from their arms, legs and anywhere else on their body. The act may be accompanied by a feeling of momentary relief.


What happens during Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Birmingham?

Whatever the precise nature of your addiction and anxiety, we will provide a course of dual diagnosis treatment in Birmingham that tackles the root causes of your symptoms. This gives you the best chance of returning to a new life which isn’t dictated by your addiction and mental health issues.

Our treatment begins with an initial consultation with a mental health professional. They will listen keenly to you as you relay your experiences. By understanding your individual circumstances and the situation they can plan a course of treatment tailored to your needs.

A range of therapies may be recommended, including:

  • Withdrawal
  • CBT and meditation
  • Applied relaxation

These are just a few examples of the treatments we use at our relaxing residential dual diagnosis treatment clinic in Birmingham. Whatever your anxiety issue, we will guide you on the path to a successful recovery.

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