The ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 has altered our lives and futures in many ways. Stress, worry and anxiety are all common emotions which have been experienced by the average person throughout the ongoing pandemic, making reality very challenging.

National lockdowns, tight restrictions on social distancing and mask-wearing, feelings of isolation, concerns around money, wellbeing and contracting the virus, pressures on livelihoods, routine and relationships, and strains on key workers combined together are causing heightened anxiety levels.

Mental health issues have been prevalent way before the ongoing pandemic. Yet, now more than ever, feelings of anxiety are understandably increasing, for both adults and children.

Paused realities are also increasing tests for those who cannot work, for those who are missing out on big life events, for those who are struggling to source mental health, addiction and general health support and treatments, and for those missing out on education.

Through the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, it is easy to lose sight of your mental health. Yet if you’re struggling, it’s very important that you prioritise your needs and your wellbeing, just as much as efforts around physical health, protecting the NHS, and controlling the virus are signified.

Anxiety support during the ongoing pandemic is available, is here to guide you and is accessible, even if short-term changes have been made.

Avoid feeling alone through these unprecedented times by acknowledging any mental health worries, manageable through anxiety support services, resources and self-help tips. We at Asana Lodge are available to guide those in need throughout the ongoing pandemic.


Covid-19 and anxiety diagnoses

Anxiety diagnoses have been on the rise throughout previous years, down to a multitude of stressful and demanding stimuli. Statistics show how on average, 6 in every 100 people suffer from a generalised anxiety disorder.

Yet, through the biggest change, through the most stressful, and through the most demanding situation of the decade, anxiety-related symptoms are intensifying. Impacts aren’t only affecting those with pre-existing anxiety disorders.

They are in fact targeting the average person, showcasing the negative relationships between worry, loneliness, and a lack of routine, all linked to anxiety-related disorders.

As we’ve shared above, uncontrollable influences are causing the increased symptoms of anxiety, related to health, economic and social change, interruption and damage.

Concerns around the future, around the unknown long-term impacts caused by the ongoing pandemic, around uncontainable change, and around the adverse effects of covid-19 are causing uneasy feelings and experiences.

Unfortunately, we do not know what the future holds beyond the ongoing pandemic. In fact, we do not have an end date to work towards. Down to this, it is important that anxiety support is sourced, now, as without urgency, without action and without control, a duo of crises will likely be the end result.


The importance of sourcing support throughout the ongoing pandemic

It’s easy to see why many individuals will brush their symptoms of anxiety under the carpet throughout the ongoing pandemic. Significant focus has been placed on saving the NHS and on regaining control of the virus, rather than mental health issues and support.

This has sadly reduced the desirability of treatment, for many, adding fuel to already heightened feelings of anxiety. Not only that, access to quality treatment for mental health issues, including anxiety has become sparse, where 93% of countries have experienced disruptions or delays; again, making recovery seem impossible.

Naturally, if an end date was in sight, where normality can resume, living through symptoms of anxiety may feel bearable.

Yet, we have little direction as to when normality can resume, where the need to isolate will become a distant memory, where human contact can once again be experienced, and where the news will avoid scaremongering the world.

Down to an uncertain future, it’s very important that you look to source anxiety support during the ongoing pandemic. As without attention, anxiety-related disorders can escalate quickly, can take over your life, and can also lead to possible dual diagnoses.

Covid-19 anxiety is real and is causing a widespread mental health crisis. Yet, for those who do not take action by accepting support during the pandemic, long-term anxiety can become their reality, making what should be a longed-for future, challenging and nerve-wracking.


Anxiety support during the ongoing pandemic

While you may currently feel helpless, there are many steps you can personally take to control your symptoms of anxiety, along with working through those symptoms with professional guidance.

Understandably, you may believe that focus has shifted from mental health support, purely acknowledging the ongoing pandemic. While to a degree this is true, anxiety support services are available, to ease this time for you.


Self-help tips

Firstly, you can help to minimise the impacts of anxiety by considering your self-care and health. By avoiding excessive exposure to the news, by curbing unhealthy sleeping and eating habits, by reducing your contact with negative people or triggers, by practising positive coping strategies, and by prioritising your needs, regaining control over your mental health is possible.


Anxiety support groups

While many support groups have transitioned to online platforms, support during the ongoing pandemic is still available. In fact, down to easier accessibility, you can source support in the event of an anxiety attack, helping to speed up and ease your recovery.

Anxiety support groups can help you gain accountability, can offer perspective and can simply provide a helping hand through this difficult time. Having a shoulder to lean on can offer positives to your life.


Remaining connected

Remaining connected to your loved ones, to those you can trust, and to your existing livelihood is important. While changes will be required, down to your ways of communication, down to your routine, and down to your mindset, feeling connected and grounded can help you put your symptoms of anxiety into perspective.


Mental health helplines  

There is a wide range of mental health helplines available to you in the event of a crisis. Confidential support for anxiety can be sourced online or through the telephone, providing instant guidance, for both adults and children.


Dual diagnosis treatment services   

While some forms of treatment are delayed, services are still resuming across the country. If you are truly struggling with feelings of anxiety, you can regain control by considering residential care.

Understandably, everyone is feeling worried, anxious and concerned over the world that we’re living in. Groundhog Day is hard to bypass when those symptoms of anxiety arise.

Yet, by taking care of yourself, by considering your environments and exposure, and by accepting anxiety support during the ongoing pandemic, your future will be easier and worthwhile.

We at Asana Lodge are here to offer guidance and facilitate recovery programmes throughout the pandemic, providing a helping hand through mental health issues and addiction diagnoses.

Support yourself and others throughout the pandemic, no matter how small or unimportant your worries may feel. Your mental health matters.




Raffa Bari - Author - Last Updated: 28 January 2021

Raffa Bari (Bsc, CertEd, CELTA, NLP Prac, BAAT) has an extensive background in addiction recovery, specialising in areas such as Integrative Art Psychotherapy (BAAT Registered) for addiction treatment.

Using her incredible dedication and passion towards personal transformation and recovery, Raffa has helped truly transform the lives of so many individuals.

It is this extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in everything to do with addiction recovery that makes her the perfect author for our site.

Raffa will be posting regularly with new updates and information on the latest industry topics to do with addiction and mental health.

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